A New Adventure

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A giant castle overlooked the rest of Ponyville, casting a shadow on the peaceful citizens of the city. In the throne room, six ponies and one dragon were lounging about with nothing to do.

"I'm bored," cried a lavender unicorn with wings and purple mane with streaks of amethyst and magenta and an image of a purple star surrounded by five stars on her flank. This was Twilight Sparkle, a unicorn-turned-alicorn who hailed from Canterlot and bearer of the Element of Magic. The student of Princess Celestia, Twilight had recently become the princess of Friendship.

"How can be anypony be bored when there's so much to do here?" replied a pink pony with a messy, hot pink mane and an image of one yellow and two blue balloons on her flank, who was currently stuffing her face with cake. This was Pinkamena Diane "Pinkie" Pie, one of Twilight's Ponyville friends and the bearer of the Element of Laughter.

"She right," added a sky-blue pegasus with a rainbow mane, two violet eyes, and an image of a cloud with a red,yellow, and blue lightning bolt on her flank. This was Rainbow Dash, another of Twilight's Ponyville friends and the Element of Loyalty, who recently became a Wonderbolt. She had an ego the size of the sun, but one would be hard-pressed to find somepony more loyal to her friends than she was. "This place is filled with everything to read!"

"Easy for you to say," Twilight said. "Hey Applejack, Rarity, did you check to see if the network responded yet?"

An orange pony with a yellow mane, a cowboy hat, an image of three apples on her flank, and green eyes turned to face her; this was Applejack, the Element of Honesty. "Yah said somethin', sugarcube?"

"Yeah," Twilight said. "A few days ago, I had Spike deliver a letter to the network asking them to reboot the season finale of one of my favorite shows. The main character's friends, brother, and mentor walked out on her when she accused her sister-in-law of being involved with an alien invasion. Turns out that the sister-in-law was, in fact, the alien leader, who had the real sister-in-law imprisoned underground. And I felt that the ending was too easily resolved." She didn't want to say it, but she still bore a degree of resentment from her friends walking out on her when she needed them the most at her brother's marriage to Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, or Cadence, who was Twilight's foalsitter.

A white unicorn with a purple mane styled up in a bang was sifting through the mail with her horn. She had purple eyes and an image of three diamonds on her flank; Rarity, the element of generosity. She turned to face Twilight. "Sorry, darling. They haven't said anything in reply."

Twilight groaned. "Thanks for putting a damper on my day." She put her head on the desk. "I'm bored!"

"But you're reading," pointed out a butter-yellow pegasus with a pink mane and soft blue eyes, who had an image of three pink butterflies on her flank. This was Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness. She was pointing to a book that was in front of Twilight with her hoof.

"I've read this already." Twilight tossed the book aside. "In fact, I've read everything in this library!" She slammed her head down on the desk in frustration.

"Even this one?" asked a new unicorn who was approaching her. This was Starlight Glimmer, a former enemy of Twilight's who became her pupil in the studies of friendship. She was levitating a book titled "MIRACULOUS LADYBUG VS THE FORCES OF EVIL".

"Even that one, Starlight," Twilight replied. "Even that one."

"What did you think of it?" Rainbow asked, eyeing the book with curiosity.

"It was . . . interesting, to say the least," Twilight admitted.

Just then, Twilight's friendship journal buzzed, which Spike noticed.

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