Reina's Guardians

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"Cameron, we have to go. I can feel it. She's here," I whisper fervently to Cameron. He gives a slight nod and we go off to our room in the Great House, the mansion where all matters of business are attended to in the Shadow Lands. Many don't realize it yet, but the fate of our lives... our world, hangs in the balance. Every move is crucial. Our decision will ultimately determine our fate.

The “she” I’m talking about is The One. The One prophesized to either save or destroy us all. She is life or death for us. She is the key.

My twin brother and I run as fast as our super-natural bodies will carry us, practically flying through the halls. We burst through the ornate, marbled doors into striking silence. I exhale, glancing around at the opulent deep lavender walls, the exquisite paintings, the low-light chandelier.  It's always quiet in our room, for a good purpose. The loss of concentration during a choosing could spell disaster.

We face each other in the center of the spacious room, taking my dainty hands in his large, calloused ones. I exhale, glancing around at the elegantly carved walls, the beautiful landscape paintings and portraits, the low-light chandelier hanging in the middle of the room. I nod to Cameron and close my eyes. The choosing ceremony has begun.

We inhale deeply, concentrating on clearing our minds and activating each of our 7 chakras, one by one. When the last one is activated, I open my eyes and feel my feet lift off the ground slowly. I grin, despite the gravity of the situation. The lifting sensation will never get old to me, as well as seeing Cameron. His eyes, even his whole body are alight with a golden glow, as I know I am.

Slowly, we rise higher and higher towards the ceiling, bringing our legs up underneath us into lotus position, still holding hands, our knees almost touching. My vision narrows until it's only Cameron I see, everything else being shrouded in black. We start turning slowly, spinning in the air, gaining speed. Our vision blacks completely until the only thing I can see is the golden glow that we emit. It's alive, moving, writhing. It starts to take a shape. We hear the voice, the one inside our head that speaks to no one but us. Cameron and I are the only to be gifted with the ability to hear The Great One. It whispers into our ears.

"Lucas... Steele..,"

We smile. Of course, Lucas. Responsible, reliable Lucas. The perfect choice. The glow starts to take the form of his shaggy brown hair and his goofy, lopsided grin. But... wait, it's moving again. What? The voice speaks once more...

"Aidan... Tabor..,"

Aidan? Why Aidan? He's hardly qualified to handle a regular assignment yet, let alone the most important assignment of all of our existences! The glow splits into two; Lucas's face still on one side, but Aidan's forming on the other. This has never happened before. We don't know what to do. But we can feel the familiar tug in our stomachs, and we know the chosen feel it too, signaling them to come to the Great House.

The assignments have been chosen. The Ceremony has ended. It can't be stopped now.

Chapter One – The New Girl

            Ohhh gosh. Oh god, oh god, oh god. Everyone’s looking at me. Oh god. Just smile, Reina. Smooth down your dress. Fix your hair. Don’t look down, keep your shoulders back, and hold your head high. That’s it, look at them all. They think you’re confident, but not cocky. Gorgeous, but not slutty. Look at all those heads turning.

            I step into the bathroom and slide down the door until I’m sitting. I can’t do this. I hate being the new kid. Instant judgments are formed. They don’t care what your story actually is. They’ll make one for you based on your clothes, your looks, your hair, how you speak. But I’ve become an expert at this. After moving so many times, I know people. It doesn’t matter what school you’re going to. If you look too pretty, you’re a slut. No make-up makes you ugly and old fashioned. The best thing to wear is a dress, not too short, but a little cleavage. Spaghetti straps. Put makeup on, but not too much. This makes you seem like the good girl, smart, but just a hint of danger in your smoky eyes. Without the danger, you’re too innocent. Remember. They don’t want to know the real story; they want to make one for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2014 ⏰

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