Chapter 30- small implications

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Fallacy's P.O.V

I was about to kiss Encre but there was a knock on the door. I sat up sighing in annoyance. "Who is it?"
"It's me Suave. The council has arrived." A voice spoke.
"I'll be down in twenty minutes." I had anger obvious in my voice as I got up, glancing over at Encre. "Stay here Encre, if you need anything and Suave can't come, you can go fetch me. I'll be somewhere downstairs. Okay?"
"O-okay." Encre muttered, sitting up, looking a little disappointed.
"Hey, we can continue later." I kissed his forehead. "Also, if you come down to see me, be sure to cover you neck."
"Okay." He smiled softly, standing up and decided to look for his shirt.
"Encre, if you want you can wear my clothes." I smiled softly.
He looked at me. "Really?"
"Yes, really Encre." I smiled. That only had to be said once as he ran over to my pile of clean clothing and picked out one of the shirts I wore not too long ago.
"Can I wear this one?" He looked at me hopefully.
"Sure." I smiled, watching him put it on. It was hanging off his skeletal form very loosely.
"Merci Fallacy!" He smiled, buttoning it up, it was still hanging off his bones loosely.
"Come here Encre." I spoke softly as he walked over to me.
"Oui?" He asked.
I opened one of our bedside drawers (nightstand) and took out a thin, yet large beige cloth splattered with small black splotches. I tied it carefully around his neck, tying a bow behind his neck. "There." I smiled.
He touched it. "Merci mon amour!" He smiled brightly hugging me.
"Anything for my love." I smiled even more before he looked curious.
"Fallacy? Can I go with you?" He spoke softly, hugging my arm. "I feel safer with you."
My smile softened. "Sure Encre, just keep close." I whispered, pulling him close.
"Okay! Let's go then?" He hugged my arm tighter.
"Yes, Lets." I spoke beginning to walk down stairs, Encre walking with me still hugging my arm.

Once he and I walked into the room, the once loud room fell silent. Encre began looking a little uncomfortable, so I cleared my throat. "Hello." I spoke, looking at the council. "Why are you here?"
"We're here to talk about your proposal to... It." They pointed at Encre.
"I beg your pardon?! He is not an it! He's my fiancée!" I growled, a faint blush found itself onto Encre's face.
"You do understand you're breaking a rule you set?" One of them spoke, as if I were a kid.
"Of course I understand and yet I'm the king. You have no authority over me." I growled louder, my wings in view.
Encre looked scared until he saw my wings, gently placing his hand on the closest one to him.
I wrapped my wing around him, looking up at the council, eyes visibly turning red. "You act like you have control over me! You break rules all the time! Like coming without a months' notice, again!" I shouted, I felt Encre jump.
He placed his hand on my cheek, making me look at him. "Fallacy, calm down." He whispered softly.
I sighed, my eyes returning to normal. "Thank you Encre." I looked at the council, they looked scared yet confused.
"How does a mortal have such control over you?" One vampire asked.
"He doesn't, I choose to listen, he's my one and only." I growled lowly.
"How is he not scared of you?" Another asked. These questions are annoying.
"Encre, my love, please answer that for them." I spoke softly, making him let go of my arm just so I could wrap it around him.
"W-well... Fallacy saved me from death when we met, he rescued me from Eterna meaning he risked his life for mine. Like I have risked mine for his." Encre spoke quietly, looking over at me as I spoke, his accent seemed to thicken as he spoke.
"That's preposterous!" Someone exclaimed.
I glared at them.
"A mortal risking his life for a vampire and a vampire risking his life for a mortal is absolutely absurd!" Someone exclaimed yet again.
"Well it's true so stop asking questions before I decide to dust you." I growled.
Encre kissed my cheek to calm me, which worked.
"Why did you propose to him? To use him as food?" One asked hopefully.
"No! I love him. Isn't that enough!?" I shouted, spreading my wings.
"Well he IS a mortal and you are a vampire!" One shouted. I've had enough.
"SHUT UP WITH THAT!" I shouted back, louder, pulling Encre close to myself. "I love him and that's it. No more questions." I growled.
Encre placed his hand on my shoulder, rubbing it gently. "Calm down mon amour." He whispered softly, for the millionth time.
I lowered my wings again. "Please leave. My love life has nothing to do with anything."
"But what will vampires think of their king getting married to a mortal!?" One shouted.
"I don't care now leave because me and my fiancée need to relax." I growled softly, just at that moment Suave walked in. "Ah, Suave, perfect timing. Can you escort our guests out?"
"Yes, lord Fallacy." Suave bowed, escorting the council out.
"That was scary..." Encre muttered, letting his legs buckle since I was holding him close and I'd be able to catch him.
"To you maybe, but to me it was frustrating." I sighed, lifting his legs up so I was holding him bridal style.
"Yeah...Sorry mon amour." He whispered.
I carried him up to mine and his room, sighing. "It's okay Encre."
Encre yawned as I placed him onto the bed.
"Let's rest, then we'll do many relaxing activities later." I smiled softly, laying down next to him.
He snuggled up to me nodding slowly, closing his eyes and slowly falling into a slumber.
I sighed, furrowing my non-existent brows, the council are always so stressing and frustrating with their rules! I should probably relax... Yeah... That will get my mind off the rule-breaking councilors.

(HEY! Sorry! I've been a little busy, I'll try update more frequently though!)

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