Chapter 31- Thirty chapters in and out of chapter names

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Encre's P.O.V

Fallacy and I slept for a while. I ended up waking up a little while after dawn. My eyes, not used to the faint light that managed to escape through the cracks of the curtains, stung from the bright light that managed to hit me.
I managed to escape Fallacy's grip, stretching and yawning. I was tired but I couldn't fall back to sleep. I rubbed my eyes, walking to the curtains, peeking through, hissing quietly as the sun hit my face. I quickly closed the curtains properly, blinking a few times.
I looked around, sitting down next to Fallacy who decided to wrap his arms around my waist, nuzzling my side.
He purred softly, pulling me closer.
I tried to escape his steel grip around my waist but eventually gave up as I couldn't really move.
He bit my waist gently, growling.
I flinched, tearing up. It hurt. I gave a low whine, slowly beginning to shake. I felt his teeth dig in deeper into my waist. My shirt, well Fallacy's shirt, managed to unbutton itself while I was asleep. (That happened to me once, I fell asleep in my blue hoodie zipped up and hood up. Then when I woke up, it was unzipped and the hood was off)
Fallacy's fangs slowly removed themselves, licking it, cleaning the blood that fell.
A small moan escaped, it may off stung but I could care less, it was still somehow pleasurable.
Fallacy opened his eyes looking up at me which a mischievous glint in his odd eyes. He removed his mouth from the bite, an alluring smirk plastering itself on his dark features.
I stared at him, I could feel the heat in my cheeks arise.
He sat up putting his hand on my cheek, slowly kissing me.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing back.
He pulled away, smirking. "Later?"
I nodded, sighing dreamily. As much as I wanted to take this further, I needed to sleep.
He took the shirt off that loosely hung off my bones, kissing my shoulders as he lay me down on the bed throwing the shirt elsewhere as he then lay down next to me, wrapping his arms around me to keep me warm.

We both slept until dusk came, Fallacy waking first. He shook me gently to wake me but I refused, whining and attempting to fall back to sleep.
He shook me a little rougher.
I whined, 'pawing' at him to stop and let me sleep.
"Encre, wake up, we can have some fuuun later~" He purred, kissing my cheek.
I opened my eyes slightly, blushing. "N-nooo! I wanna sleep...." I whined.
He slowly kissed my shoulder, slowly sinking his teeth in after a few kisses.
I moaned in pain, pushing Fallacy gently. "Stooooop..."
He stopped getting up and picking the shirt up and putting it on me, buttoning it up slowly.
I yawned waiting for him to finish as I leaned into him.
"Hey stop! It's hard to put the shirt on." Fallacy muttered, forcing me to sit up properly.
I looked up at him, pouting. "I'm tired..."
"Look up at me Encre." Fallacy muttered, making me look up.
"you're forcing me to look up." I pouted, blushing faintly.
"Well, you were slow." He smirked kissing me.
I kissed back, pulling him close as possibly as I could.
He pulled away a moment later, smiling.
I whined. "Why?"
He got up, putting the shirt on me and then walking off.
I made sure that the bite marks were covered and followed Fallacy, hugging him from behind and nuzzling his back as Fallacy was washing his face.
Fallacy smiled, purring and looking back at me.
I smiled leaning into him still nuzzling his back.
"Hey, Encre?" Fallacy attempt to get me to stop.
"Oui?" I asked, stopping.
"Go get changed, you can wear some of my clothes, and then we'll go eat." Fallacy ordered.
I nodded walking back into the room. I looked inside the wardrobe picking out one of Fallacy's silky shirts, almost midnight blue in color. Then I grabbed myself some black trousers, getting changed into the silky shirt and black trousers.

No one's P.O.V

Fallacy's shirt was half tucked into Encre's trousers, hanging off his bones loosely but it still covered the bite marks left by Fallacy. He lay down on the bed, falling asleep moments later, snoring quietly.
Fallacy walked into the room and as soon as he saw Encre, he couldn't help but smile. Fallacy didn't have the heart to wake Encre, so he walked to him pulling the blanket around him carefully before writing a note, placing it in Encre's hand then walking off.

Fallacy had walked to the dining hall, sitting down at random seat, thinking silently. He jumped when a plate was placed in front of him unexpectedly. He looked at who placed the plate and smiled his thanks.
It was Suave. Suave spoke, smiling brightly. "Congratulations Fallacy."
I nodded, smiling more.
"So when's the wedding?" Suave asked, raising a non-existent brow.
"Not sure. I've only just begun planning it and Encre is currently asleep, I'd rather wait until he wakes to continue." I answered, poking at the food.
"Is everything okay, M'lord?" Suave asked.
"I'm just worried about the Council... What if they keep coming here unexpectedly? What if they hurt Encre?!" Fallacy sighed, putting the food in his mouth.
"They'll learn to ignore it after a while." Suave smiled, patting Fallacy's shoulder in reassurance.
"But what if they don't?" Fallacy muttered, leaning on his hand.
"They will." Suave muttered, patting his shoulder lightly before walking off.

Fallacy nodded slightly as he continued eating, thinking silently to himself.

(Voila! Here's a chapter!)

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