The source of the zombie apocalypse

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A/N so my school got overrun with the undead and I found a small batch of survivors in a classroom so then I ate a granola bar overcoming my allergen then people kept making noises that attracted the horde then we unblocked the exit and we ran though the back door.

And we kept tuning untill we found a laboratory that was bright I looked at at and it looked like the lab from tranzit and we walked forward and saw test tubes with something inside it trying to get out honestly it was pretty freaky. And there was this closet and I opened it and found a sword with blue light coursing through it there were 2 of them so I tried to pick them up but too my supries . got shocked and I saw a vision of somebody trapped in containment area deep with in the lab and I reeled back in pain and I picked them up again and I could pick them up without any pain and before I knew it there was a guy in a lab coat with what looks like the ray gun mark 2

And the people I was with put there hands up but I was off in a corner and I put the collapse-able sword in my backpack and I held my hands up as I walked behind my people and the guy said " what the hell do you want" then I said "we just escaped our school we're just travelers and we mean no harm what happens next will shock you

A/N hey guys I'm back sorry for the long wait I've been realy preoccupied with stuff but I'm back now

The Beginning Of The End: A Black Ops 2 StoryWhere stories live. Discover now