Chapter 7

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If it's ok with you, guys.. This chapter starts after school.



*Sara's POV*

I don't know if what I'm doing is the right or wrong thing...but I know that Leia's happiness is more important to me than my happiness. So I guess I'm doing the right thing.

*Leia's POV*

I should be happy, but I'm just...--Sara's perfect for Carter. But I guess this is just a one time thing...surely, Connor isn't up to this either...ever since that campfire scene, it's been a little awkward between us.

Here comes Ranger Rick...

"Hey," he says, with his usual cowboy smile.

"Hi," I say, biting my lip.

He sits there setting down the two milkshakes he ordered.

"So..," I start.

"About the other night...," he starts.

"I understand, you wanted me to shut up--"

"I've been thinking about it and I realized..."


"That wasn't the real reason for that scene," he admits.

"What're you saying...?"

He takes my hand," What you did in caring.." His fingers ran through his straight hair. "It really felt--real. That campfire scene, it made me realize. That you're the one for me."

I froze, there is no way Sara's gonna approve--oh wait she 'will'.

"You're serious?"

"Leia Michelle Hunter, I don't care anymore. You're the one I like."

What am I going to say...I can't risk hurting Sara...

"You're the one I choose. And I really want to make this work...," he adds.

"I do too...--"

"Then what's the problem..?"

"You and her---you're like a summer rain, you guys are like meant to be.."

"But soul mates and true love are two different things."

"Yeah, but--"

We went quiet, as a matter a fact, the whole "Mitzi's" went silent, so much for a not awkward date...

"Fine, Carter you win," I sigh.

"I told you, true love is stronger that soul mates," he smirks.

"You're such a fortune cookie."

Of course true love is stronger. What am I saying..?

*Diana's POV*

Well...Jon's staying with my mom and me. This is can't anymore awkward that it already is right...?

"Good afternoon, kids," Mom greets us.

"You too, Mom," I greet back.

"To you too, Ms. Thompson," Jon politely bows.

"Mom, mind if we hang out in the park for awhile?" I ask her.

"Not at all. Just don't be too long," she reminds.

"We won't, Ms. Thompson," Jon assures.

We run to the park, sitting on the benches.

I remember that day, the day we confessed our feelings.

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