Chapter 22

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*Diana's POV*

A few weeks flew by and Ms. Hart's wedding getting closer and closer...--where she WILL tell everyone about the offer.

"Hey, you ok..?" Jon asks.

"Ya, I'm fine," I nod.

"You don't look fine.."

I sigh. "I'll explain everything after Ms. Hart's wedding.."

"If you say so..," he shrugs. "Isn't tomorrow..?"

"It is..?!" I asked, freaked.

Wow, time goes by fast. I hope Ms. Hart's ready.

*Ms. Hart's POV*

Tomorrow's the day! My marriage and the day of my confession....Diana's right, the time for the truth to come out is now.

"Students, guess who gets married tomorrow..?!" I asked, enthusiastically.

"You!" The crowd roars.

"..I must be quite the talker..," I blush.

"Are you kidding..?! You've been talking about non-stop for the past 2 months...!" Aidan yells.

"I'm the future Ms. Thorne," Hailey mocks.

"I really sound like this...?" I ask, puzzled.

The class nods in unison.

Wow, I really am quite the talker...

*Ava's POV*

Tomorrow's the day, the day when Dava proves themselves at the Thorne-Hart wedding...

"Ava, you excited for tomorrow?!" Danny asks.

"Of course!" I shriek.

"Sabrina suppose to practice with us tonight..?"


"Looks like Sarry are in for a treat..."

I giggle. "More like Sara."

Sara's gonna be excited for tonight! 

*Sara's POV*

I can't believe this! We're gonna practice tonight with Sab! And then tomorrow, we're gonna sing with her on stage--well if Ava gives up her lead to me... But still. Best day ever--or days ever!

"You seem excited..," Barry observes.

I think I've been shrieking too much...

"Yup! Way too excited!" I shrieked.

"Calm down, it's only practice tomorrow's the real deal," Barry explains.

"Yup, where we sing with Sab!" I said in a sing-songy voice.

Barry chuckles. "But you know Ava's not gonna give up her lead right..?"

"She gave up her lead for Ally, so of course she's gonna give up her lead for me."

Right..? She is, right..? Well hopefully. I really am a bad person...


Band practice.

"Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late," Sab says, walking in.

"Oh it's fine," Ava excuses.

"Hey, Sara," Sab smiles.

"Hey, Sab," I smile back.

"Shall we begin practice..?" Ava asks everyone.

We nod.

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