Chapter 1

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"Uggg, shut up mom. I don't care what you say, I'm going anyway," I shouted as I stomped down the stairs, hair and makeup done to perfection.

"Honey, wait. Please don't leave. I can't do all the chores by myself in this condition, and don't you have homework to do?" my mom enquired as she limbed after me, wincing in pain. 

"Don't blame me for your condition. It's not my fault you're blind, ugly, poor, and annoying," I yelled back at her, promptly ignoring her anguished cry. "Besides, homework is for losers, it makes no difference to me if I get a 0 or a 100," I added. With the door slamming shut behind me, I started down the pathway to a bench on our porch, waiting for my ride to the party my friend Marlene invited me to. It was a peaceful night, yet there was also a strange feeling in the air, as if something is gonna happen, although I couldn't tell whether it will be good or bad. The party tonight will be sick, the hottest seniors will be there, and my reputation is on the line. Time to put my game face on, I don't have time to deal with pathetic mothers.

The thought of my mom immediately darkened my mood however, for I am ashamed of her. Of course, it is not her fault that she is blind and poor and everything a proper mother shouldn't be, but I have a reputation to keep and she is endangering it. My dad died when I was five, so I only have a few vague memories of him here and there. Sometimes I could recollect his gentle kiss before bedtime, or in dream I could hear his big, booming laugh that seemed to encase the world in his happiness. Sometimes, I would also wonder how different my life would be if he was alive, maybe my mother wouldn't have to work as a maid and we would get to live in a chic penthouse instead of the run down house my mom an I are currently residing in. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought our home was built sometime during 426 B.C.E. 

Suddenly, the roar of an engine startled me out of my thoughts as a red Cadillac pulled up the driveway. The car doors opened and closed with a thud as a handsome young guy stepped out. Even from a distance, ripe muscles peaked through his shirt.

"Hey Evie, ready to do some serious partying tonight?" he asked as his friends, or servants more like it, he orders them around like dogs, made their slow descent toward me.

"You know I am always ready Max. You better prove yourself worthy of my affection and consideration tonight if we are gonna continue our relationship. Just saying, there is tough competition at the party," I warned as the space between us lessened with each step.

"Don't you worry about that babe. And mind you there is a lot of smoking girls there too," he replied with a smug yet undeniably sexy expression.

Now a relationship like that might horrify some people because is so obviously fake. Everything we say to each other either seems like a threat with a layer of sugar over it or downright lies meant to hurt each other's feelings. The thing is, that is maintaining reputation and popularity for you here at Woodgrove High. People get together to improve their status or to take advantage of something, there is no love. It's a small town, nothing exciting or interesting happens here, so people also make up drama just to avoid boredom. It is horrible I know but............what can I do about it?

If people question why I go to such great lengths to be popular and "liked", I wouldn't be surprised. I mean I suppose I do go to extremes when climbing social ladders, but I do have a reason. A reason that haunted me everyday since third grade, even after so many years later. I had a best friend back then, well I thought I did until I realized that she humiliated me in front of the whole school to impress the popular girl of that time, Brittany. I dropped from a fairly average status to the lowest of the low, nobody would be willing to talk to me and Brittany and her gang ridiculed me every chance they get. Life was miserable, I even started cutting myself and thinking of suicide, that was how bad the bully got.

One day after she and her friends shoved me into a ditch however, that the helplessness I was feeling transformed into anger. She had no right to treat me like this, and for that, she will be sorry. She will regret with her life what she did to me, and her petty little friends will to. And that is how I started to form my revenge plan, one that the consequences went to a whole new level that I never expected.

"Honey, time to get in the car," Max's annoyed voice cut through my thoughts like a knife, startling me.

"Oh right, sorry," I said, momentarily losing my "cool" and plopping ungracefully into the car seat. Sensing a small victory, Max smiled.

"One sensational party coming right up," he declared as the red Cadillac pulled out of the driveway and into the night.


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