Chapter 3

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"Eve? Eve where are you? I am sorry to interrupt the party dear, but I need your help at home right now. Mrs. Hunter was kind enough to drive me here to find you. Eve, please come here if you hear me," my mother begged as she stumbled around like a pathetic idiot while everyone stared at her in disbelief. Slowly, my name sank in as they all directed their shocked eyes at me, their faces filled with surprise and disgust. As for me, I was groveling on my knees to whatever holy force was out there to whisk me out of this nightmare. This can't be happening. Not after everything I had done to maintain myself here in this cruel world full of taunts and bullies. My stupid mother just can't destroy it all like that, she just can't.

"Mother, get away from me," I shakily whispered to her as dozens of eyes glanced in my direction, while hers suddenly brightened in happiness despite her being blind.

"Oh my darling, you came after all! My little angel, please, I need you to help me with the chores tonight. Just one night honey, my back is aching so much after all that cleaning in the Webber's house, I can barely stand. I am sorry to interrupt your party dear, but I just can't do it anymore. The pain, it haunts me every time I move. Please go home with me, I beg you," she said as tears plopped down her cheeks. The room was still frozen with astonishment, and I can guarantee that it wasn't the good kind. I need to get control of the situation now before anyone can realize that this was all real and happening.

"Get out of here and don't let me ever lay eyes on you again! Go you pathetic woman, GET OUT OF MY LIFE!" I screamed at her as she stood there in stunned silence, finally crumbling to the floor in a weeping heap. My heart squeezed in silent agony. I knew in every inch of my body that my mom didn't deserve this. But I couldn't, if I have to sacrifice her love for me in exchange for my status, I would. I just can't let things spiral out of control like it did a few years ago. I know that I won't be able to survive another brutal assault.

"Trying to cover up the fact that you are embarrassed by that pitiful mess on the floor, are you?" a voice colder than ice shattered me out of my trancelike state. Once the familiarity invited itself in however, that dread overcame me. "Not Rose, anyone but her," I thought to myself as I rose up to meet her cruel eyes. There is no doubt that my archrival at Woodgrove High lived up to her name; everyone is enchanted by that gorgeous face and body, but nobody noticed the hidden thorns underneath that fake smile. Of course she will use my moment of weakness to overpower me once and for all, and I have no doubt that she will make my life a living hell after this.

"How dare you humiliate me like this you bitch? You will pay for this Eve, whether you like it or not. We are over, " Max declared as his glaring eyes burned into mine with an intense hatred that I had never experienced before. He stormed out of the building and slammed the door, jolting everyone from their shocked state.

This can't be happening all over again, not when I had so diligently constructed it block by block. My nightmares can't just come alive, I can't become the kicked puppy again after I had made myself become the alpha. Everything can't unravel now, my status, my reputation, my life. Oh god, the laughter, the cruel, menacing laughter that threatens to swallow me whole had arrived. Its overwhelming quantity had let me know that I am fighting a hopeless battle against the power of the sea, each wave threatening to drive me under. Worst of all, I have no way to get back to shore, I am forever helpless in the water, an unfortunate soul reduced to the mercy of the sea. Then came the taunts, the snide remarks arrived next with such heartlessness that it hit me full force like a bucket of ice cold water. My fear turned into desperation as I begged them to stop, I just couldn't take it anymore, but of course they won't. More laughter came next, and finally the violence emerged. 

First cups filled to the brim with alcohol were thrown at me full force, each one sending a splattering impact as they exploded in my face. The punching and kicking came next, my screams of pain were met with zero sympathy. From the earsplitting cries nearby, I guessed that my mom was getting the same treatment. After the group got bored however, they threw us out on the lawn, and when I saw my mom lying next to me on the grass, my heart sank to my chest. Her nose was bleeding badly, her arm was at a weird angle, and her body was covered with bruises and cuts. I know that I am probably in the same condition, but seeing it done to my mom, a naïve, innocent victim who had no idea what she got herself into, was too much for me. Somewhere far off I could just make out Mrs. Hunter's terrified gasp, but I am too tired to care. With a final realization that my world was collapsing in front of my eyes, everything went dark.  


Hey guys! I think I mentioned this before, but I suck at grammar. Always do always will. I know that this chapter is filled with grammatical mistakes, so if you guys could help me by telling me where I got my tense wrong, that would be great! Thank you so much and happy reading!      

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