A Friend's Loyalty

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A Friend's Loyalty

It's late October, and James Jensen is walking home from the library. Tuesday is a dark and rainy night, but yet, in James's head, everything seems so quiet, as it has always been. More quiet then you would expect it to be. After all, New York is a big city. It's never quiet. Especially today. Why? Because it's that day of the year where kids find it fun to pose as fake murderers, and where they find joy in splashing blood, and pretending they just lost a finger. It's that day where you can calm yourself down because you know you won't actually find a real killer on the streets. You'll just assume everyone has a costume on. Of course, what day could that possibly be other than Halloween? James pretty much had no thoughts or judgements upon October 31st. He just minded his own business.

Nevertheless, there is always something going on with him, and his thoughts just cloud everything around him. At this point of his life, James wants his mind to be quiet. But he seems to struggle a lot when trying to do that. The only thing he is stressing about is midterms week and he is in a hurry to get home to study the next chapter in biology. He also has a report to write about the frog he dissected in the lab today. He missed his bus, so the only choice to get back to his dorm before ten is to take the shortcut through the woods. You can already tell he is feeling very laid-back and demented at this point of his life. James starts jogging.

When trotting along the pitch-black woods, James kept hearing sounds of owls and saw black cats everywhere. "This really is a peculiar forest" he thought to himself, as he has never even bothered to question what lies in the depths of it. He just comes here for the shortcut to get to his dorm.

That is when he stumbled across something that made his heart drop to his stomach, he couldn't scream, he couldn't cry, he couldn't make a sound. He just felt paralyzed. It was as time was frozen, and the world around him was paused.

It was the dead body of Alyssa Koshy...

James knew Alyssa. They went to the same college together. And, here she was, lying lifeless right in front of his eyes. Dead in the middle of this bizarre woods. Of course James couldn't leave her there. But he needed to know if she was killed, because his mind kept telling him this was a dream. So, James checked her pulse and saw that she was bleeding from her chest. It looked as if she was stabbed. But what caught his eye was that the way she was stabbed was not from any ordinary knife, it was with a dissecting tool. Now, I know you might say that anyone can get a dissecting tool and stab this girl. However, this tool was especially from James's own college, because the ones at his college are exceptionally branded like no other dissecting equipment you can find at the store. That means that whoever killed Alyssa is in his biology class, as only him and his classmates have access to the lab. Being a biology major, James can tell that the blood was fresh and that Alyssa was just stabbed. He didn't know what to do. He thought of running and looking for the murderer, but the woods were so calm, so he/she probably left and are far gone. His mind was racing. James knew he couldn't run from the scene. The only thing he could do was call his friend Lucas. So, he quickly turned on his phone and dialed Lucas's number. The bell was ringing, but he didn't pick up. James left a message "Lucas you have to come here in the woods right now. I will send my location through text, hurry." As he says this, his voice was shaking and his hands were trembling tensely.

James was now sweating, as he was anxious for Lucas to get his message and take action. Then the unexpected happened. He noticed sirens, and knew that this didn't look too good. He then hears the police shouting "Put your hands where I can see them" and James is blinded by flash lights held right at his face by police officers. Lucas didn't make it, but he was the only one who knew James was here. Did he call the cops? James didn't want to believe it but it seemed like the truth. "How can you just arrest me? Just because I am here doesn't mean I killed her! It wasn't me!" screamed James. Was this all an assassin that was planted to look like he wasn't the victim? "Check his bag" said one of the officers to another. When they checked James's bag they found his dissecting knife with the frog blood on it. "Get him in the car" said the officer. "That is frog blood!!" said James. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against or with you at court" said the officer and James was taken in the car.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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