Chapter 1

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Copyright © 2017 Girly

Chapter 1

“Ah, Captain?”


You listen as the tall, skinny man sheepishly talks to who you assume is the captain, “We found a Terran out there …”

“A Terran, eh?”

You keep your head down and continue to listen as the slim man replies, “A girl.”

Yes, sweetie, you think, I’m of the opposite sex. You almost want to roll your eyes at the awe in his voice. Were females rare to these Ravagers?

A sharp whistle makes you jolt, and you see from your peripherals the leering Ravagers back away from you. You’re on your knees; the diamond grated metal beneath you digging painfully into your knee caps and shins. Your wrists are bound behind you with metal cuffs and your bare arms are caked in drying blood and muck. It’s uncomfortable, but not as bad as the wound above your hip or the one behind your right knee.  

You’re grateful in that moment as your long hair hangs like a thick curtain over your face, disguising the discomfort you’re feeling.

“Where was she?” you hear a gruff voice ask.

The skinny man is quick to reply, “She was found in a spaceship with eight dead slavers. The ship we thought was abandoned.”

“What’s your name, girly?”

You bite your bottom lip, but refuse to answer the man. You can sense his frustration from your position and jerk away when you feel someone grab your arm. Seeing the burly man through your curtain of hair, you push forward and head-butt the Ravager as hard as you can. Ignoring the sharp and almost debilitating pain in your right leg, you push off the metal floor and knock the man’s legs out from under him. As he hits his head on the metal grate, you twist your arms underneath you until they are in front once more.

Without wasting time, you wrap your cuffed arms around the man’s neck and tighten your hold. Your side and right leg burn, but you ignore it as you strangle the man; you’re not ready to go back into slavery.  

You’re just about ready to kill the man when you hear a high pitched whistle and see through your matted hair, a hovering arrow aimed right at your skull.

“I suggest you let ‘im go, girly,” you hear a man warn.

Slowly, you relax your grip and push away from the Ravager as he gasps for air. You sit on your left thigh, keeping your right leg half bent. The searing pain is slowly ebbing away, but you can feel the sticky blood soaking your pants thoroughly.

“Got a name, girly?”

You toss your head back to move the matted hair from your face and look up at the man before you. He’s blue with ruby red eyes and jagged teeth. The arrow is still hovering in front of you threateningly and you make the connection to the glowing red strip atop his head.

“Got a name, boy?” you sneer back. Girly? Is that what I look like? Some stupid little girl?

The blue man clenches his jaw and you can see he’s contemplating simply killing you there.

You hold his gaze however, not wanting to give into the blue prick. You had survived ruthless slavers for almost a decade now, and you weren’t going to bow down to this Ravager captain.

“Name, girly?” the man pressed, holding eye contact still.

You chew on your bottom lip before replying weakly, “(Y/N)” You can barely keep your body upright anymore. Is it blood loss? Have I lost that much?

“Did slavers get you?” the blue man asks, watching you intently.

“Doesn’t matter,” you snap back.

“Sore topic, huh?” he taunts, cocking his head.

You try to formulate a witty response when you break eye contact and double over. Your vision blurs and you pant quietly.

Shit, shit, shit, you think in panic. You can’t fall asleep now (Y/N)! Hold it together until you get out of her-

The metal grate seems to rise and meet your face as your vision grows darker and darker . . .        

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