Kalau awak hafal angka sino korea. Awak dah boleh hafal bulan dalam bahasa korea sekelip mata. Cuma tambahkan 'wol' sahaja. If you already know the numbers in Korean, it will be very easy for you to memorize the months in Korean as well. All you need to do is add the word 'wol' after the number. Here is a comprehensive list of the months in Korean:
Il wol - 일월Febuari/February
I wol - 이월Mac/march
Sam wol - 삼월April/april
Sa wol - 사월Mei/may
O wol - 오 월Jun/june
Yuk wol - 육월Julai/july
Chil wol - 칠월Ogos/august
Pal wol - 팔월September/september
Gu wol - 구월Oktober/october
Sib wol - 십월November/november
Il sib wol - 일 십월December/december
I sib wol - 이 십 월
Magic Korean★(Malay-English-Korean)
Sonstiges*-*Khas utk awak yg hendak belajar bahasa korea *-*especially for those who want to learn the Korean language ✔explain secara detail by:marshmallowtrah ORIGINALY BY: MARSHMALLOWTRAH p/s: boleh copy dalam buku, tp jgn copy untuk buat dalam wattpad. ...