Chapter 5

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I sat on the stage in circle talking about random stuff with Cam, Matt, and Taylor. Savannah was off somewhere with Nash, and who the hell knows where Ben is. Probably trying to hit on some girls or something. 

"And that's how i go expelled from 5th grade." Taylor says finishing his story that he had been telling for at least 20 minuets.

"You are so bad Taylor, like damn." I joke rolling my eyes. He was about to make a comeback but Bart burst through the double doors.

"Okay guys get to your stations! The girls are coming in in 5!" He says clapping to get everyone's attention. The boys hurried off the stage to there post where they would be taking pictures with the fans. Nash and Savannah walk through the door holding hands but immediately drop them when they see all of us. I smirk realizing I'm the one who noticed.

I jump off the stage and make my way over to Savannah who was now leaning against the wall on her phone. 

"I saw that." I say making her jump.

"Saw what?" 

"You know excatly what I'm talking about. How could you not tell me you liked him!" I whisper shout to her.

"I dont know! It like just happened. I dont even know if he likes me for real, he probably was just being nice." She says trying to hide the fact that her and Nash had a thing.

"Yeah sure okay." I roll my eyes and leaned back against the wall waiting for all the girls to come in so we could get in line ofr pictures.

Soon roars of screams erupted into the room and hundreds of girls came running in. I grab Savannah's arm and pull her over to Nash's line. We were about in the middle of it. 

"Really Hannah?" She asks with fake annoyance in her voice. I knew she wanted to come to his line, but she would never admit it.

I nod excitedly. The atmosphere in this place was amazing. Its so awesome to be in a room with people who love the same things as you. I forgot for a minuet that I actually knew the boys and I wasn't just some crazy fan. My inner fangirl is coming out. Beware. 

The next thing I know it my turn to take a picture. He laughs when he sees me.

"Hey stranger!" He gives me a hug. Nash and I take our picture of us throwing gang signs. 

"You better treat Savannah right." I whisper in his ear and walk away. He blushes and smiles down at his feet. I watch as he gives Savannah a hug and kisses her cheek.

Suddenly I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I turn around and am greeted by a group of girls who look about 15.

"Are you Hannah Patterson?" the girl who tapped me asked sweetly.

I nod, confused. "How do you know my name?"

"Oh my gosh your Jack Gilinskys girlfriend! Iv'e seen the pictures of you guys on instagram, its so cute!" She gushes.

"Oh um wer'e not dating anymore." I say awkwardly.

Her face drops. "I'm so sorry I didn't know!"

"It's fine don't worry about it." I assure her.

"Would you mind maybe taking a picture with me?" she asks me pointing to her phone in her hand. I agree and one of her friend takes the picture of us.

She starts to walk away but then turns around. "If it's any consoltation, hes been staring at you the whole time." 

I turn my head to look over at Jack and Jack's station. Sure enough he was staring at me. Our eyes made contact for a second but I quickly turned away. I grab Savannah who was just now leaving Nash and pulled her over to Cameron's line right away. Pissed at Jack for no apparent reason. 

"Damn girl are you okay?" Savannah asks me putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, never better." I cross my arms.

In about five minuets it was my turn.

"Hey my number one fan!" Cam screams picking me up a little bit as he hugged me.

"OMG Cameron Dallas I love you so much!" I laugh as I hug him.

"I love you to." he whispers into my hair.

I jump on Cam's back and level my head next to his.

"1..2..3" The lady taking our picture counted down.

At the 3 Cam turned his head and kissed my cheek. My eyes grew wide. This is going to be some picture.

"It was a pleasure meeting you." I curtesy at Cam making him laugh.

"The pleasure is all mine M'Lady." Cam bows at me.

Savannah and I take pictures with all the other boys. Except the Jacks.

"We have to go take a picture with them Hannah, there our friends." She pleaded with me.

"Fine." I huff following her over to the Jack's station. 

"Hey girls!" Jack J greets us  giving us both bone crushing hugs. I then hesitated as Jack G opened his arms up for a hug but I accepted anyway.

Being in his arms made my stomach do flips. No one else has this effect on me. It needs to stop.

We smile for our picture and head to the stage to wait for the boys to come up.

"HELLOOO LA!" Taylor screams running up on stage followed by the rest of the boys.

"Thank you all for coming out to see us today." Shawn says into the mic. Gosh he's such a sweetheart.

"So to start things off today we are going to be doing challenges! But we need a few volunteers." Nash's says looking into the crowd like he's searching for someone.

"I know just the two!" Cam screams running down off the stage and over to the crowd by us.


"How would you two lovely ladies like to help us out?" He winks holding out his hands for us to take.

Savannah immediately agrees. I roll my eyes and put my hand in his and he drags us up to the stage. I hate being in front of crowds.

"This is Savannah!" Nash says draping his arm around her shoulders.

"And this is Hannah!" Carter yells ruffling my hair. I smile at the crowd.

"So who's ready to get this started!?" Cam yells into the mic causing all the girls go scream and go crazy.

~~~ sorry it's kind of short and suckish but I was in a hurry writing today!

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