Chapter 6

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For the next hour Savannah and I helped judge the guys um interesting challenges. Nash won the dance contest so he got to chose what we did next before Magcon ended. Since Magcon was almost over the guys said that we could stage for whatever we did next. I sat in between Cameron and Nash laughing at Nash's 'thinking face'. 

"I got it!" Nash yells jumping up, finally thinking of an idea.

"Lets do fan questions!" He suggests. The crowd cheered and all of the guys agreed. 

"Start at the beginning of the line." Jack J suggests pointing to Cam because he was first.

"Which one of you beautiful ladies would like to ask me a question?" he asks the crowd making the girls go crazy.

He points to a girl short brunette in the front row and walks to the front of the stage so that he can hear her question.

"If you were a fruit, what type of fruit would you be?" she asks causing Cam to laugh.

"Hmm good question." he says while tapping his chin thinking of the answer.

"Probably and orange!" he smiles. "Cause well you know, there orange!" This boy made no sense at all but he was honestly so cute. Ugh what am I thinking.  Cam comes back to his seat and leans over to me.

"Orange you glad I didn't say banana?" he whispers into my ear. I laugh and playfully push him away.

"Your just so funny." I say sarcastically and nudge him in the side.

Laughing Cam brings the microphone back up to his lips. "How about a question for the beautiful Hannah?" 

Surprisingly everyone's hand shot up. "Oh um-I-um no." I stutter nervously.

"Come on Hanz!" Nash yells shaking my shoulders encouragingly.

"Fine!" I throw my hands up in defeat. Scanning the crowd I point to the first girl I see.

"Whats your question?" I ask her forcing a smile.

"Arent you and Jack Gilinsky dating?" she asks with a strange confidence. Taken back, I look over at Jack who was looking down playing with his hands trying to avoid the situation. 

"Um. No we broke up a couple months ago." I answer awkwardly. She smirks at me and rolls her eyes.

"Well good because your an ugly slut and you don't deserve him." she says her smirk growing even bigger.

The room went dead silent and all eyes were on me. My mouth fell open in shock and I'm pretty sure so did everyone else's. I thought their fans were sweet. I knew I had to be calm and not make a scene, but I so wish I could jump off the stage and slap her across her little makeup caked smirking face. 

"I'm sorry you feel that way." I smile at her. "Excuse me I need to leave." I say as I stand up and walk off the stage towards the green room in the back.

To be honest it wasn't that that girl said those things to me that made me so upset. It was the memories that came with it. Jack was two years older than me so I would get called a slut quite often. But Jack always helped me through that and made it all better. Thats one of the many reasons I fell in love with him. But the big memory that those words contained was the one that I try so hard to forget. The memory that she was in. I even hated saying her name. Besides Savannah and Ben, Jordan was my bestfriend. We met in 7th grade at a theater camp and had been inseparable ever since. We were more like sisters than anything. We told each other everything and did everything together. We even planned our weddings together and promised to be each others maid of honor. But that all changed when she did what she did. And Jack let her. And I lost my bestfriend and my boyfriend. Two of the most important people in my life. I thought maybe it was a misunderstanding. Maybe if I just called her she could explain and things could go back to the way they were. So I did. I asked her why. Why she would do what she did. And they only thing she said, and the last words she ever said to me were-

"Because you and ugly slut and you don't deserve him."

I made my way into the green room and collapsed on the big leather couch, suddenly feeling really tired. I heard people coming in so I closed my eyes, not wanting to talk to anyone.

I heard two people talking.

"Bro come on we have to check on her."

"No Cam, when shes upset she wants to be alone trust me I would know." I deeper voice says.

I hear some more muffled talking until one of the voices fades away and footsteps come closer to me. I squeezed my eyes shut harder.

"I know when your fake sleeping." I hear a voice say. I open my eyes and am greeted by Jack squatting down in front of me.

"You just seem to know everything." I groan and sit up.

"I do." Jack says as he sits down next to me on the couch.

"Jack honestly your the last person I want to talk to right now." I admit turning to face him.

He sighs and runs his hand through his hair seeming stressed. 

"How did you think you could come to Magcon this summer and not see me. I'm part of it you know."

"I do know that. I just thought you would be in Florida with your family like you are every summer." I answer him.

"Well I'm not." he states. 

"Obviously." I roll my eyes and stand up. "Tell Savannah I'm going back to the house." I say while grabbing my bag and heading out the door.

I try to clear my head and start walking to God knows where.

~~AGAIN I'm super sorry for not updating but I will be alot more now! Who do you ship Jannah or Cannah?

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