6|The Wait

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Noah up top

Alec's POV

Check my phone for the fifth time in probably a minute waiting for something which appears to be nothing, I notice something different. The date. It's been 2 days since Rae has spoken to me. Everyday I contemplated whether or not to text him.
I find it extremely sad that he didn't say anything yet but I guess it's his choice. "He probably has a good reason for his actions", I say to console myself.

The says seem to drag now and I'm not even over exaggerating. This is way too petty of me! I need to pull myself together. A long time ago I vowed to myself that I'll try my best to not let my past influence my future but now I'm just letting it take control.

Dom and I don't even speak to each other after feelings dried up and we were thee best of friends. Nayhem and I broke it off because I knew his girlfriend would come back and I got over that. I know I caused a lot of shit there but I wish we'd even just greet. Then there's Jaybez. He's the least of my worries but I still lost a great friend.
I put so much effort into theses friendships only for it to be ruined. And I hope that isn't what's happening right now.

I feel bad because I was in my own world all day, not really listening to Sash. She's been talking about this new boy, who's not so new anymore and he's got like all the girls after him. Said his name was Noam or Noah. Yeah Noah.

"That's him! Alec look up right now! His going to walk past us" Sash screeched in a whisper. Just to satisfy her I gave a quick look before my eyes fell back down to my screen. "He's okay." I said without even noticing him.

"Hey I'm sorry I'm being such bad com-" I was cut off a jab in the ribs from Sash. Looking up at her so fast I caught her eyes going big and then re-adjusting themselves. Follow her line of sight I noticed that handsome boy that I bumped into 2 days back.

Then it clicked. She jabbed me as a not so subtle hint that his walking our way. Almost directly to us but I hope I scared him off.

Well I hoped in vain.
"Hey, Uhm it's Alec right? " he asked unsure as he let his and glide through his hair. Oh God did he seriously just do that? Boys are so typical.

"Yeah and she's Sasha" I say putting emphasis on the fact that she's also here and saving her from saying something stupid or stuttering.

"Sorry, hello Sasha. I'm Noah. We haven't met properly." he says addressing both of us. While I give my best look of boredom. Honestly I just don't want to listen to some jerk who's probably with a different girl every fortnight.

The world is evil and I need to avoid every jerk I can to make life better. Including this one. I know I'm not supposed to judge but, I just get that asshole vibe from him. Besides. Even if he isn't an asshole I'm just not in the mood to make a new friend purely because his a boy.

"Okay, if there's anything else speak up do I can leave. " I say arching a brow and then walking away before he said anything. "Is she always this mean?" I hear him ask Sash. To which she answers with a giggle and then "mostly" . "Goodbye Noah" I hear her shout as she walks up behind me.

" Hey! You didn't tell me you know him. I've been trying to get you to just take a look at him." she practically scream while I look a her with amusement. Sasha is not the typical fan girl but when there's someone she likes, all hell breaks loose. Once upon a time I had a minor bruise from when a boy she liked walked past. No he didn't hurt me, I didn't fall. Nothing of that sort. Sasha just over excitedly nudged me as a subtle hint that he's passing. She never really knows how hard she pushes me.

"I didn't know it was him. I didn't even ask for his name when I "met" him " I say. Making sure to use my imaginary commas ."He walked into me" I say knowing she was about to ask. " or maybe I walked into him. I don't know and I don't actually care right now. He asked for my name, apologized and I left without bothering to get his name."

" You're Mean. But I'm not surprised that he wasn't scared away, he obviously has a lot of girls on his tail and probably ones kinda like you. I've never seen anyone as insane as you. Denying all thee hottest boys who come your way." sighing extra dramatically she continues "if you don't stop now you'll die alone my friend." "alone" she whispers.

"Alone with a huge house, 5 adopted children and lots of money. Yeah that sounds about right " I say meanwhile were walking to the locker and with my head down I walk into yet another wall, which I know is not a wall unless someone built one blocking off the lockers.

" WHY THE HELL DOES THIS KEEP HAPP-" I had cut my sentence short as I looked into the eyes of someone almost unfamiliar. Rae. I think my brain went into some sort of panicked, overjoyed override mode cause I felt choked up. Didn't know what to say, didn't know what to do, couldn't move, hell I couldn't think. I could just hear my subconscious scream ' Get out of his way'. No! Why the heck would I do that. I want him to talk to me I thought. Relived that I could think . Only a few seconds passed. I think, I hope. I probably looked like a lost puppy in those seconds. But who cares? I'm back and I'm better, I think to myself. Smiling I kindly said Hi and stepped out of his way, hoping with all my heart that he'd stop me from leaving. A few short steps from where I was I started talking to Sasha who wasn't answering me. So I looked back.

And he was there.

Following me to my locker with Sash trailing him looking comfortable as ever when this is anything but comfortable for me. But hey this could only mean 1 thing. We're going to talk about this, whatever this might be. We exchanged our books in silence. Something that never happened before, I'm sure our neighbors were just as surprised.

With my bag on the windowsill opposite our locker I put the last book in and zipped it up, conscious of his eyes on me. Without looking up I say, " No one ever tell you it's rude to stare." knowing he diverted his eyes I smirk playfully looking up at him. I'm trying to make this situation as light hearted as possible. When no one else says anything I leave, hating how awkward it's getting after all my efforts.

"Alec" He's low husky voice comes out smoothly and somehow I know Sash is in on this because she slips past us leaving all silent. They must have been signaling each other behind my back.

I did my bit trying to lighten the atmosphere at the locker, now it's his turn. So I just wait and watch. " Sorry I've been gone so long" he says with that cheesy smile I love. "I just couldn't breathe in that infected air of yours. My poor heart is allergic to rejection. But I'm sorry" he says while I'm pinching back a smile which evaporates towards the end of his sentence. I hot the underlying meaning of his allergies but since his smiling things must be good. "Don't let it happen again " I say, giving him stern look.

"Yes ma'am." he squeezes me into a hug, kissing th top of my head before walking me to class. This is the way my life's supposed to be. I feel like a mountain came off my shoulders and the clouds moved away from my sun. Blowing him a kiss as I enter my class I feel like order has been restored to my life.


Hey guys I know this took long, only because of exams though..
Let me know your thoughts about the 6 parts so far. Don't be shy.
And who do you think looks better? Rae? Or Noah?
Also let me know what you think about Alec

Love Jai

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