August 29, 2016- Real Power Is...

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Real power us standing up for yourself. Real power is standing up for what you believe in. Real power is sacrificing your own life to save someone else's life. Real power is fostering 20 cats and dogs. Real power is beating cancer for the 3rd time. Real power is not being afraid to be yourself. Real power is getting over your fears. Real power is getting through tough times thinking everything is going to get better. Real power is falling and getting back up every time. Real power is staying true to yourself. Real power is getting out of a bad situation.

Real power is every little thing you do every day

I made this the first day of school and I thought it was really cool at the time but now that I'm reading it I'm not really sure. But you know it's the first day of school I was a little bit younger than now, so I was a bit different.

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