Chapter One

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Dan wracked his brain for every detail of knowledge he had when it came to Daisy. Because of her name, he felt as if choosing the flowers for their wedding wouldn't bee too difficult, but he still wanted an expert's opinion, and that was why he was on his way to the florist's shop he'd never bothered to visit before.

It wasn't that Dan didn't like flowers, in fact he actually had a strong fondness towards them, it was just that they were always around. People were always giving him flowers, he didn't really know why, but he just knew that they were everywhere. They were in every shop window, outside every home. The small coastal town he lived on could have been a fucking ad for a botany magazine.

Dan smiled as he thought of how lucky he was to live here. He'd heard of how the rest of the world was at war and this was somewhat of a miraculous safe haven, kept secluded and safe by the cliffs on one side and the water on the other. They were mostly self-sufficient, only relying on very occasional shipments of goods, and otherwise they didn't interact with the outside world which apparently had been in a hugely destructive and dangerous war since Dan was only a child. Somehow, this place had stayed pristine and perfect. Everything had its place, everything was in order, and the people were so genuine and kind.

Dan didn't know how he had gotten so lucky with the people. He wasn't hugely social, but he was constantly being invited out with groups, even groups of people he'd barely even met before. Everyone seemed to like him, and things just tended to go his way. He felt guilty about it sometimes, but then remembered that it wasn't like he was trying to get any kind of special treatment, it just happened. Somehow, despite him being a bit of a natural loner, everyone knew his name and seemed to love him. This made Dan want nothing more than to try and repay them by living up to whatever they wanted from him.

Dan tried to stay true to himself, but he did have a huge sense of guilt whenever he felt he had failed someone, and he was constantly trying to repay people for their kindness and to do what he thought he was supposed to, to make people happy.

That was why, one week ago after dinner with his parents and a long talk about his future, he had decided to propose to Daisy, a girl they had always said would make a good wife for Dan. They had set up playdates for them throughout preschool which was easy since Daisy lived just down the road, and as they grew older, Dan and her had began dating after some encouragement from their parents.

He did like her, they got along well and she was fun and nice. She was beautiful too, long flowing blonde hair and green eyes, full lips and pink cheeks. And that's what love was, right? Finding someone you enjoyed spending time with who you found physically attractive? Dan supposed it was, so when his parents asked him when he was going to settle down, he went out and bought a ring that the jeweler gave him at a hugely reduced cost (not something Dan was unused to), and proposed to her that night after cooking her dinner.

She had cried and hugged and kissed him lightly. He had smiled, and then she had gone home and he had gone back to his own small house, falling asleep alone and beginning to create a mental checklist of what he needed to do to prepare for this wedding.

Today he was checking one of the things off the list. He was going to finally meet whatever wizard kept this town looking like a beautiful garden, and hire them as his florist for he and Daisy's wedding.

As Dan walked, he took out a small remote and hit a button to connect it to the little machine in his ear. Everyone had one, and you could use it to make phone calls or to play music. Right now, Dan opted for the second option, finding a radio station that was playing some nice background music so he had something to listen to as he walked.

When Dan approached the flower shop, he noted the name, laughing slightly. 'You've Got to be Orchidding me' the sign read, with a little painting of an orchid next to it. Dan pushed the door open into the quaint shop, hearing a few little bells dingle from the door's movement.

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