Hey sweetheart

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(Hey guys I don't really know what I'm doing and let's hope I can keep this story going OK GUYS BUT LETS PRETEND DEAN IS A SMOL 5'9" BEAN AND MISHA IS LIKE 6'2". OK OK)

Cas loves submissive dean, but i mean come on who doesn't. He loves sitting down with dean and watching him color. He loves cuddling with dean and stroking his hair and softly singing to him. But he also loves roughly fucking dean to the point where he can't speak. He also loves hearing dean scream out his name as he mercilessly pounds into him. He loves it when he pushes dean to his knees and he automatically knows what to do. He loves pulling dean up to his chest by the hair and roughly whispering, "who's my good boy. Be a good boy. Cum for me baby boy." He also loves telling dean he's a bad boy, and bending him over the nearest object and roughly spanking him with all he has. He just loves his relationship with dean. But he also loves it when dean pushes him into a wall and roughly makes out with him. And when they're cuddling and dean starts to jack Cas off, or when he starts to finger Cas.

Cas loves his relationship with dean and their casual little nights. And tonight was one of those nights. Dean was sitting on their shared bed, a king lots of room to have steamy kinky sex, with black sheets. He was holding his favorite pink cow stuffie and was attempting to color with a white crayon. Cas sat against the door frame for a second, watching as dean hesitantly put his paci in his mouth. Cas held back laughter as dean was clearly having troubles. "Hey sweetheart, what're you doinnnnggg?" Cas asked teasingly. Finally letting out a laugh as dean squealed, letting the pacifier drop out of his mouth.

"DADDY!!" He squealed at the top of his lungs. He ran over to Cas, in a frenzy, and jumped into Cas's arms. Dean buried his face into cas's shoulder and muttered, "daddddyyy, I missed YOUU. I couldn't cowor (color) with the stupid cwayon." When he was in little space he always got upset, and tears had started forming in his vibrant green eyes.

"Now now little one, we don't need to be so mean to the crayon now do we."
Dean sniffles and shook his head sadly. Cas didn't like when his baby was sad. "Hey now baby boy, who said you could be sad." Dean has stopped hugging him so tightly so he crouched down next to his baby, he wiped away the stray tears that fell.

"B-b-but da-daddy I-I-I-it's the st-stupid f-fucking crayons fault."

Cas looked at him appalled, "what did you just say little boy?"

Dean looked at him, fear in his eyes clutching his stuffie for dear life, "I-I didn't say a-a-a-anyth-anything d-d-d-daddy."

"Are you sure. Because it sure sounded like you said a naughty word only daddy can say."

"Y-y-yes d-da-d-daddy I-I-I'm sure."

"Baby boy, you know what it means."

"NO I DONT." And just like that he
pushes past Cas and skipped off into the kitchen.

"BABY BOY GET BACK HERE! ILL PUNISH YOU IF YOU DONT COME BACK HERE." The now pissed off Castiel, calmly stalked into the kitchen, only to see dean huddled up against the counter crying. He had his face buried into Fluffy, his cow, and he was sobbing his heart out saying things like, "daddy's mad at me. Daddy won't ever forgive me. Daddy I'm sowwy."

Cas's heart physically hurt, and he felt like crying, his baby boy was hurt. He walked over to him slowly and he sat down in front of the crying little. He sat his hand on deans shoulder and dean jerked himself away crying harder. He looked up with fear streaking across his hard face. He slowly backed away from Cas as if he had seen a demon, "d-d-d-da-daddy, I-I-I-I'm s-s-sowwy p-p-p-p-pw-pwease I-I d-d-didn't m-m-me-mean it. D-d-don't hu-hurt me p-p-pwease."

He hadn't seen dean this scared of him, ever. What had happened. Tears sprung in his bright blue eyes, he didn't want his baby boy to be scared of him. "Baby boy, calm down. It's ok, baby boy come here it's ok. I'm not going to hurt you, you know that. Come here, I won't punish you either." Dean looked up at him, tears running down his seemingly flawless face. He hesitantly scooted forward to Cas, scared of something. When Cas pulled dean into his lap, dean flinched so hard Cas thought he was going to hit his head on the cupboard.

Cas had joined him in the crying, again. And hugged him close to him. "Baby boy, why do you ever think I'd hurt you like that. I may discipline you yes, but I'd never hurt you. You know we have a safeword, why are you so scared baby."

Dean could barely form words through his crying, but he finally buried himself into Cas feeling safe for once, "d-d-daddy. I-it told me, you were g-going t-t-to hurt an-and kill me a-and also torture me, plus u-u-use me. A-a-and that you didn't really w-w-wuv me."

Cas squeezed him tighter, and running his hands through his hair, "baby boy listen to me. I love you more then anything in the world. Why would I hurt you, I could never do that. Never in my right mind would I do that. You're safe in my arms and I'll never let anyone or anything hurt you. Now come on." He picked dean up, wrapping his legs around him. And carried him off to bed, still crying.

When he got up to their room, having one hand running up and down, now sniffling dean's back. And the other to move the papers and crayons off the bed, he set dean down and lay down next to him. He spooned with dean, holding him as close as he could. Cas was still crying, trying to think of what would make dean think like that. He didn't want to dwell on it. He rubbed small circles on deans soft, silk like hips, until his breathing had slowed. He kissed deans head, and slowly but surely fell asleep too.

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