Part 5: Kisses and Alliances

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P/n this is exactly after the previous chapter. Literally.

Closer and closer, their lips almost touching, when all of a sudden the door opens. They quickly jump apart. It's James Potter, Rose's cousin an fellow chest for the Gryffindor team (her other cousin (and James and Albus's sister)Lily was the other chaser and her brother Hugo is keeper). Luckily he doesn't realise what was about to happen. "Come on Rose the match isabout to start." James runs off. "I've got to go." Rose says, the moment clearly gone. Scorpius nods, "good luck" "thanks."
They walk off to were they should be. And the game begins.
The game was great. Especially (in Scorpius's opinion) Rose flying, she was the best chaser he had ever seen. "Can't believe it. A tie. This is great! Gryffindor got 200 goals, and we caught the snitch making the scoreseven." He told Albus, who nodded excitedly "Yeah, and the party's gonna be in the great hall, making it even more epic." Albusadded. The laughed as the walked into the great hall ready to party the night away.
So close. All she needed was time, so they can get together and get close. Then she'll rip her away from him and her revenge plan will be set.
As Rose walked into the great hall with the rest of the Gryffindor team as well as the Slytherin team, the hall erupted with cheers. She leaves the rest of the team and searches for Scorpius, getting stopped by people congratulating her. She found him near the entrance after walking around the hall 6 times. He gestured for them to leave, and they walk out to the entrance hall.
Scorpius was certain about what he was going to do. He was going to make his move. At the right time,of course. "About before-" he began but was cut off when Rose did the unthinkable, the unexpected, yet for Scorpius, the best thing possible. She grabs his tie pulls him down slightly andkisseshim. And Scorpius must admit it caught him by surprise. He wraps his arms around her waist, deepening the kiss. She movesher arms around his neck holding him even closer, kissing him
"What the-"
They break apart and turn to see Albus looking at them an expression of amazement, embarrassment, confusion, excitement, disgust and a tiny bit of anger all mixed into one.
"Um Albus, Hi! How's it going?" Rose tries to cover up, their blushing getting the better of them. "How long has this been going on?" Albus asks "um just now." Scorpius says, looking down. He looks at Rose then at Albus asking
a question with his facial expression. "I won't tell anyone, but they'll find out soon enough." Albus says, "besides me saying anything is the least of our worries, I just got a letter from dad. Delphi's escaped. They found a decoy this morning."
Fear flashed through Scorpius's face, even Rose looked slightly uneasy, sinceshe had heard of what had happened with the time turner.
They rushed into the great hall to make sure headmistress Mgonagall knew. The pass James, whose snogging Chang Yall, daughter of Cho Chang and Jonathan Yall, she has long black hair withlight pink, purple, green and blue strands, and black eyes. Her and James met on their first year and were best friends. They developed feelings for each other in their second year and started going out half way through the same year. It ishow much of a romantic James is. They're a very cute couple.
They find Mgonagall and she convinces them sercurity measures have been made. They then decide that they should stop worrying for a bit and enjoy the party.
Polly was watching. Yes she was watching very closely and she saw it, yes she did. She saw Rose kiss Scorpius. And true to her word she will hurt Rose.
"Well we gave a very similar goal. Why don't you help me,collect Rose and you'll have Scorpius all to yourself."
Polly turns to see a strange woman
"who are you?"
"Delphi, so are you in or not?"
"In I guess."
"Good" Delphi smirks, "Let's do this"
A smile plays across Delphi's lips. Her plan is going swimmingly. And she has an ally, yes she will double cross the girl but that's evil for , very soon, she will have her revenge.
A/n another chapter, wow. Please review and tell me what you think. Thank you

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