Tomorrow They'll Be More of Us (6)

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(WARNING! Suicide ahead, don't read this chapter if you're uncomfortable with reading this kind of thing. :( )

Laurens POV

It's been a while since Alex and I talked. I text him to make sure he's at his dorm.

turtlesdude: Hey baby, are you home?

Hamilham: Yeah, why?

turtlesdude: Kay I'm coming over.

Hamilham: Mkay.

I stuff my phone in my pocket, pulling on my shoes and hurrying to Alexander's dorm. I knocked, letting him know I was there. He answered the door soon enough and greeted me with a hug. I saw Jefferson come out of their room, curious. He sees me and shrugs, walking into their room.

"So, what do you want to do?" I ask him. "Hmm, let's go to the park!" He says. We drive to the park, picking up some ice cream on the way. We walk around for a bit and once he's finished his ice cream he points to the tallest tree and asks, "Dare me to climb that?" I nod furiously. This'll be fun to watch. After trying for a while, he actually manages to get up on a branch. I laugh, watching him climb up as high as he can go. He then says, "Catch me!"

"Wait, no-" He jumps into my arms, knocking me onto my back. He soon starts laughing and I do too. "I love you," I say. He suddenly gets up.

"I- I need to talk to you."

Confusion shows on my face, "Okay?" 

He sighs, "I... I think we should break up." 



I can't contact John. He hasn't answered my texts or calls. He's probably mad at me. I call Thomas. He picks up right away, "I need you to meet me at the doors to the campus."

He gets there quickly, confused, "We need to find John. I told him I want to break up and he ran off and he's not answering my texts or calls and-" "Hey, calm down," Thomas says. I sigh then, I get an idea. "I know where to go."

Last time he had an emotional heartbreak, he went to a hotel he stated as his favorite hotel. It had a lovely garden on top, and that's where he would be. He's most likely there. I open the door, to see no Laurens. I approach the lady at the desk, "Have you seen a guy with curly hair and a turtle sweatshirt?" I ask him, out of breath. She nods, "John Laurens?" I nod. "He's on the roof."

I run up to the roof, to see John on the edge of it, drunk, no scratch that, completely wasted. "Death is a funny thing, ya know? Like how we just, disappear one day? It's kinda cool. I wanna try." He says. "John, no, think about this-" "Alexander, you should have thought about breaking up with me, huh, you bastard orphan." He spits. His words sting, but I push it away for now. "John, ple-" "No, I'm doing this. Just know, I will always, love you." Those were his last words as he turns to me, falling backward. I scream, running to the edge.

 He smiles at me, right before he hits the ground. All I feel is Thomas grabbing my phone. He calls someone, but I can't hear him over my own screaming and crying. Soon enough, Lafayette and Hercules are there. They look down to see Laurens, dead on the pavement. Thomas had already called 911.

"If I had gotten here sooner, I could've stopped him," I said. Thomas just said, "You couldn't have stopped it, you just couldn't." I stay silent. If I didn't break up with him, none of this would've happened. If it wasn't for me being stupid and ending our relationship, he would've lived. I feel arms around me, strong arms that could hold me forever. They smell like daisies. I just cry, letting all the tears out. They all come out, all my emotions, everything. The funeral is a month after. We're going to clean out his room next week.

"His smile was brighter than the sun's glow, his eyes gleamed every time he talked about his interests. The way his laughter could fill a whole room. I know, each one of us here will have a hole in our hearts from his death." I say. Everyone applauds, crying. I sit back down, tears leaking from my eyes. Thomas hugs me with one arm, a comforting gesture. When we leave, Thomas drives back to the dorm. We just sit on the couch, until I end up falling onto his lap and falling asleep.


He. Is. Asleep. On. My. Lap. Holy shit. I'm freaking the fuck out it's like a dog oh my god I can't move or else he'll run away. I don't know what to do, so I just sit there, petting his hair. I was right. It's really damn soft, like, shit. I play with it, twirling it on my finger softly, making sure I don't pull it. I love him, so, so much. I just, can't. He's so cute when he's actually sleeping.

He soon starts to stir, so I stop playing with his hair. He wakes up and looks at me, before slowly sitting up and walking into our room without saying anything. I hear him plop down on the bed. I laugh and get up, walking into our room to see him on my bed.

I giggle and tuck him in. I go to my desk, opening up my laptop and playing on it until Alexander awakes from his slumber. Do you know what I do?

"You wanna go get dinner?"

Hey guys, me from 2019 here, if there are some issues between the text and the comments, know that I'm going through and revising this book right now.

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