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It doesn't get any easier. A few weeks, my head is even more screwed up.


Week 1

Izzy or Eric came to visit me every day and we talked but they could never tell me what was happening outside or their plans for Jessie or they wouldn't have the upper hand. Jessie stayed relatively quiet only the occasional snide comment. The guards still treated me decently, I wasn't a prisoner.


Week 2

No one visited anymore, not that I wanted anyone else to know but the guards are different now. They stopped treating me like an equal; I'm defiantly seen as a prisoner, 1 meal a day 1 glass of water a day and Jessie has dropped off the radar, I've barely heard from him in days.


At the beginning of week three it happens. He's gone, no more voice in my head but something else happens. My head begins to feel like it's being cracked open from the inside out and I can't control my body, it shaking. I can't keep anything down and I feel like I'm dying. I'm constantly screaming, a strange pain, like my body is missing something. The guards ignore me until I'm almost dead. I can't take it anymore. I'm don't know what's happening but I know what I need. I need more of Jessie's blood. It's like a craving for drugs, unstoppable and unignorable. It takes all of my strength to stand but I somehow manage. I stumble to the door, my body drenched in sweat. I bang on the door.

"Hey, let me out!" I yell trying to keep the breathlessness out of my voice.

The guards don't answer, I try to open the door but it doesn't give. I stumble backwards and fall onto the floor. I have to get out of here. I need his blood. It feels like I'm slowly breaking inside with every minute that passes that I don't have it.

I know these walls; I built them. I place one hand on the wall, hating what I'm about to do but the craving is too much. I can barely reach for the words but all of a sudden the wall opens up into a circular tunnel, leading into the forest surrounding us.

I fall through and it closes up behind me.

It takes forever to get through the tunnel; it's not that long but I struggle to walk one step. Eventually I come out to the same area that I first met Jessie. I collapse once again, except that this time I don't have the power to get back up.

"afferte ad me." It's the last bit of my energy and my head falls onto the ground as the air shimmers in front of me.

Cold shivers rack my body, and my vision begins to blur as I see black hair duck down in my face.

"Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise." He states, gazing down at me.

My breathing is shallow and I can't focus on him.

"Please." I manage to choke out.

He looks down at me and then a look crosses his face, surprise? No, that can't be right. He crouches down beside me. He raises his hand to his mouth and bites his wrist; his blood flows over it and then it hits me what I'm doing. I try to slide away but he catches me. My eyes are red and bloodshot and my body is fever hot.

"You need this." He says, pressing his wrist to my lips, "I can't let you die of withdrawal now can I?"

As soon as his blood starts to seep into my mouth I feel his fangs come in contact with my neck. As he pierces the euphoria spreads again and my body feels alive again. It wasn't the blood that I needed, it was his bite. Once again it's over to soon but once his fangs are out of my neck I feel my head swimming and I fall backwards again. My vision seesaws and I feel him place his arms under me carrying me.

"You... you drugged me." I breathe out, my body getting heavy once again, but this time comfortable so. "Put me down, I... I shouldn't be-" I try to fight but my body has stopped responding and my eyes are half way down.

"Don't worry, I wont turn you, yet." His voicesounds like he's speaking through water and the word yet can't help but stickin my mind as I disappear under the pressing blanket of warmth.    

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