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Eleanor's POV
Today was the day I was moving to forks. I threw on my yellow leather jacket and went outside, my parents had already said goodbye and went off to work so I didn't have to say good bye to anyone. I didn't live that far away from forks so I didn't need to fly. I got into my blue Range Rover,

 I got into my blue Range Rover,

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And started driving.
* two hours later *
I pulled up into the driveway, of my uncle Charlie's house. All of a sudden Bella came speeding out of the house and embraced me in a bone crushing hug, "hey bells, can't breathe here!" I exclaimed, her grip loosened and she mumbled a quick a apology."geez, Eleanor I haven't seen you in ages! How's bobby, Luke and James?" She asked trying to catch her breath." Their good, James is started boxing classes and Luke's part of cheerleading!" She smiled thinking of her brothers. "Well, my dads not home yet but I want to show you your room." I nodded and followed her into the house.

We walked up the stairs and past the bathroom and finally into my room. I loved it. The white and pink duvet set. And the lovely bedside table, just tied the whole room together.

 And the lovely bedside table, just tied the whole room together

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"Oh my god, bells I love it, dad could not have done all this." I muttered the last part mostly to myself . "Actually we got Emily Young, Sam Uley's fiancé, to help us design the room." Bella said as if I was supposed to know who they were. "Ok, I'm gonna leave, so you can get unpacked." Bella spoke before exiting.

*two hours later*

"Bells? I'm gonna go down to the beach, you wanna come?" I bellowed down the stairs. "Nah, I'm good," she mumbled in a 'duh' tone. I just shrugged it of and got my bag.

I walked down the stairs and out the door, since I had already talked to Bella. By the time I had got to the beach no one else was there, apart from a group of boys on top of a cliff. As if they had sensed her presence, they all looked over, suddenly silent.

*Paul's POV*

Me, Embry, Jared and Sam where cliff diving. I was about to jump off when a girl caught my attention. She was looking at us and when I looked into her eyes everything changed.

Suddenly, the whole world stopped moving. It was just me and her. She was the what was tethering me to the planet, and her alone. I had to know her.

Just then, the guys started cheering and clapping like that were at a theatre. Jared came up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder,"Oh my god, I can't believe you imprinted!" Instead of throwing insults or tell him to shut up like usual, I just smiled, "yeah, I did!"

*Eleanor's POV*

After the intense staring competition I just had, the boys began to push each over off the cliff. "Oh my god!" I screamed at the top off my lungs. The boys, who obviously heard me, came swimming up to the shore. They just laughed, as I tried to catch my breath from screaming so loud.

"Hey, I'm Embry, this is Jared and that's Sam." He said trying to introduce everyone at once. With out warning, one more boy sprung out of the water and walked up to us with a grin. "Saving the best till last, I'm Paul." He stated,"it's nice to meet you I'm Eleanor." He smiled at my name, I don't know why but there's this feeling that i know him.

Suddenly, Sam spoke up,"why don't you guys take Eleanor to Emily's place" they all nodded. So I guess I'm going to Emily's place. We all walked to the parking lot, "Hey, what should I do about my bike?" Embry just shrugged, while Paul came up with a solution,"I'll get someone to take it to your house, where do you live?" The guys made some 'ooo' noises but I didn't care. "I live in forks, 13, whitmore street." I said, having just learnt my new address.

We walked through the woods, and just as I was gonna walk on to the porch, Jared stopped me. "By the way, don't stare at Emily. It bugs Sam." He said before leaving me there. Paul's hand made its way to my back as he simply muttered," come on."

I walked into the house, and stayed at the doorway as the boys sat at the table, scarfing down muffins. So the girl over by the oven must be Emily, as she turned around I spotted three long scars down her face. I didn't mind, i mean everyone has scars right, I just couldn't help wonder what happened.

Paul was the only one that wasn't eating. He walked up to Emily and whispered something in her ear. "Emily this is Eleanor, we met her at the beach." He said with a genuine smile. "Hi" i mumbled hold my hand out for her to shake. She just laughed and pulled me into a hug.

*Emily's POV*

I can't believe Paul imprinted, I'm so happy for him. She seems really nice, we are gonna be best friends. Suddenly Sam came in smiling, i guess he was happy for Paul to. He kissed my lips before kissing up and
Scars. I giggled and smiled at how sweet he was being.

I can't wait to have a girls day with me, Eleanor and Kim. This gonna be lots of fun.


Hi guys I hope you liked my first chapter. If you didn't like it, I apologise, but please don't be a hater. Comment what you think below. Bye 👋

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