"I don't care! Hand it over." I spat.
"Hey Rae, are you absolutely sure?" Jeremy said concerned looking at me directly in the eyes.
"Jer, give it! I honestly don't care. I'm doing this for a reason." I reach over the object but Jeremy just raises it higher where no one can even jump to reach it.
"And I'd like to know that reason." he looked over me.
"I don't do all of this for fun, I do it for death." I say desperately for the object I've never thought I'd get to have.
Jeremy hands it directly to me, making sure no one is aware of what's in the package. I nod a 'See ya later' look as he disappears into the crowd.
I wait till the lights disappear in the sky and go to the place I'd like to be buried one day. This is the moment where my life is officially contacting death. As soon as I'm about to use it I hear sirens blaring into my ears.
"Shit." I mutter, then finding a place to hide before getting caught.
As soon as I'm running the opposite direction where the police are, I bump into the last person I'd like to see.. My dad. Also known as the police officer.
Hey! So I'm making another fan fiction, Fix You. I love the song and I think it's the perfect title for this story. I'll try to update everyday.
Jasey Rae- Lily Collins
Jeremy- Steve McQueen (he plays Jeremy in Vampire Diaries)