Not What They Seem

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I took a deep breath as Harry opened the cafeteria doors, everyone's eyes turning to look our way. My eyes darted around the room, looking for a place to sit. Jenna and Ali were sitting at there table with a few other girls, glaring right at me. I'm going to assume Ali told Jenna about what I said.

Harry must have noticed my nervous expression and the stares I was getting from them because he wrapped an arm around my waist protectively shooting them a look, causing them to look down at their trays. Silence took over the cafeteria, making me even more nervous. Couldn't they just eat their lunches like normal people?

"Come sit with me," He whispered in my ear, guiding me towards his table with his arm wrapped around my waist. I meekly nodded my head, following his lead. I had nowhere else to sit and besides, meeting the others seemed like a good idea.

I could feel everyone's eyes burning into my back as I followed Harry to the table. I ignored the looks, quickening my pace to match his.

Once we got to the table Harry took a seat, gesturing for me to take the one beside him. I did so, sitting down beside him on the bench before smiling shyly at the others who were all looking at me.

I isntantly took notice in the many tattoos all the boys had, beside Niall that was. Louis sat across from me with Eleanor by his side. I could see his multiple tattoos that coated his right arm, one of them being a deer. Beside them Sat Zayn and Perrie. Zayn had an entire forearm coated in ink, different designs and patterns. And Fianlly Liam, seated beside Niall who sat on the other side of me. He had two tattoos that I could see, a quote on his left arm and arrows on his right. And of course Harry who seemed to have a ride range of tattoos.

"Sam! I see you two made up," Niall greeted from the seat beside me, hugging my side quickly before sitting back in his seat properly. I could see Harry glaring at him from the corner of my eye causing me to roll my own, turning to give him a look.

"Is that really necessary?" I scolded, looking him in the eyes. He just raised his eyebrows, nodding his head causing me to let out a breath.

I could hear some snickering from the table making my lips curve upward.

"Harry's finally found his match I see," Louis joked, shaking his head while laughing.

"Shut it, Louis," Harry muttered, a small grin on his face as he reached over hitting him in the back of the head making me laugh even more.

"So Sam, what brings you here?" Niall asked, taking a massive bite of his sandwich leaving little to remain. I scrunched up my nose at the sight before releasing a small giggle.

The smile however, faded at his question, "I, um, don't really have anywhere else to sit," I mumbled under my breath, lowering my gaze to the table embarrassed.

"Oh yeah! Didn't your friends leave you at the lunch table yesterday?" Louis spoke up while taking a sip of his soda. The soda however didn't get a chance to make it's way down his throat as Zayn, I think it was, punched him in the shoulder, followed by Harry cussing him out.

"What the fuck, Louis?" Harry and Zayn both exclaimed while Louis rubbed his arms, Eleanor wiping the table with a napkin due to his soda and spit coating it.

"Sorry," Louis apologized, his voice small now making me frown.

"No it's fine. They weren't really my friends if they left me, right?" I assured, shrugging my shoulders hoping to lighten the mood again.

It seemed to work as the other boy, Liam I think, spoke up, "You were defending us weren't you?" He asked, his voice soft. His eyes were a dark shade of brown reminding me of a puppy. He seemed alot calmer than the others as well.

"I wouldn't call it defending-" I started to say, not wanting them to know the reason I lost my friends was them. The people I had never talked to beside Harry and Niall.

"Sam, we could hear the entire conversation," Niall noted from beside me, while now munching on some chips. I blushed at call out to my fault.

"I think the entire cafeteria could hear it," Louis mumbled, flinching as Harry went to whack him again. Though he never did.

"I just can't stand the way people talk about you guys," I admitted, playing with my fingers, "They don't know you," I added, looking up at them as they sat there listening. Niall was slurping loudly on his juice box, which was evidently empty.

"You don't know us," Zayn pointed out. I know he wasn't trying to me sassy or anything do to the innocent look in his eyes. He was just merely making a point.

"But I'd like to," I replied, looking at them, expecting them to laugh or look at me weirdly but what surprised me was the grateful smiles on all their faces.


"What are you doing after school?" Eleanor asked me as we walked to English, Harry and Louis talking to each-other while walking behind us.

I opened my mouth to answer when someone else did it for me

"She's coming over to mine to start the project," Harry's husky accent spoke for me, before he placed his hands on my shoulders walking directly behind me.

I looked back at him with furrowed eyebrows, "I am?"

He nodded his head confidently. I just shook my head, looking to Eleanor with a small smile on my face, "Guess I'm going to his," I confirmed, making her laugh a bit nodding her head.

"Then let's hangout tomorrow. Me and Perrie want to get to know you better," She spoke, with her posh accent that seemed to fit her perfectly.

I nodded my head grinning at the idea. She and the others were nothing like everyone put them out to be. We all seemed to bond easily at lunch, laughing at the jokes Louis would make of the amount of food Niall managed to eat. For such a small boy, he sure could eat. Harry would constantly wrap his arm around him, hitting Louis every time he made a comment about me, making me smile lightly.

"Great! I'll text you," She grinned as we walked down the hallway, our English class coming into view, "Gosh, i hope she's in a good mood today," She mumbled making the four of us laugh muttering our agreements, as we all entered the classroom. Once again everyone's eyes landing on us. I was growing sick of everyone's prying eyes.

We all walked towards the back of the classroom where our seats were. Louis and Eleanor took their seats at their desk right in front of ours.

Harry and I sat down and for once I didn't care that he was close to me, in fact I wanted him closer. My feeling were all messed up though. I've been through a lot this week and the fact that Harry was always there -whether I wanted him or not- proved to make me see things differently. Plus him being incredibly hot didn't help much either. I just got these weird feelings whenever he's close to me.

I liked it.

"Good afternoon class, I'm sure you're all thrilled about it being Friday. Looks like Mr. Styles was so thrilled he decided to actually show up on time," Mrs. Collins mentioned, looking towards Harry and I.

"Don't flatter yourself," Harry grumbled from beside me, making me groan internally knowing how this was going to end. Another detention.

Mrs. Collins raised her eyebrows, "What was that?" She asked, well knowing what he said.

Harry went to give her another smart ass reply when I placed my hand on his leg, distracting his attention away from her and towards me. I gave him a look and he groaned quietly before slouching in his chair crossing his arms over his chest, while clamping his lips shut.

"Thought so," Mrs. Collins muttered before turning her attention back towards the class, beginning towards lesson. Louis and Eleanor turned in their seats looking at me and Harry confusedly. I, myself, was confused until I looked down to where they were staring to see Harry holding my hand in his lap, playing with my fingers.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2014 ⏰

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