Pick and Choose

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“-but then his parents walked in! I was so embarrassed!” Ali finished telling Jenna and I the story about what happened last night between her and Brody I mean, Conner. Supposedly, just as they were about to do it, his parents came home, catching the two of them in his bedroom.

My stomach dropped just at the thought of it happening. I didn’t even know what I’d do if that were me.

“Wow,” Jenna muttered, shocked. Ali nodded her head, telling us she knew. Soon then got in their own conversation and I was left sitting at the table looking at my untouched salad. I didn’t even know why I got it to be honest. Who gets a salad at school?

I bit my lip, stabbing the wilted lettuce with my fork. I was off in my own world just thinking about anything and everything. Like how I was going to survive the next 2 days without my car. But I suppose the main thing on my mind was the one thing that shouldn’t have been, Harry. I was lost and confused as to what has been happening between us lately. He was supposed to be dangerous, and seeing what he did to Ryan proved that, but there was something to him.

He wasn’t mean to me, infact he was pretty nice. Despite him assaulting my neck and threatening anyone and everyone who had a penis and so much as talked to me. He was overprotective, that was for sure. But why? Why did he kiss me then leave? And why me out of everyone else?

One minute he’s yelling at me the next kissing me. I was beyond confused.

There were so many questions I had, but so little answers.

I was drawn from my thoughts when I felt eyes on me. I looked back, thinking it was Harry and them like usual, but instead I just saw them all talking about something. I pulled a face of confusion looking back at the table to see both Ali and Jenna staring at me with raised eyebrows.

“I’m sorry, did I miss something?” I asked politely seeing them both staring at me.

“We asked what happened with you and Harry last night? We heard you left the party with him,” Jenna repeated, followed by taking a sip of her water.

“Oh, he um gave me a ride home since Ali left and you were having fun so I didn’t want to bother you,” I explained, nervous as to what they would think hearing this. Was Harry right? Would this be the end of our friendship already?

“Oh! I totally forgot! I’m so sorry, Sam!” Ali apologized, hurriedly. A look of guilt on her face.

I gave her a small smile, shaking my head, “It was fine, Ali,” I assured, making her smile in return. Although I had to say, hearing her say she forgot me did sting a little. But what could I do about it?

“He didn’t hurt you did he? What happened?” Jenna rushed out, leaning on her elbow that was placed on the table.

I shook my head, “No he didn’t and nothing happened,” I spoke, hoping my voice didn’t waver as I lied. I was a terrible liar. I didn’t want to tell them about what happened between Me, Ryan and Harry. Nor did I want to tell them about mine and Harry’s kiss.

They both stared at me for a moment as if reading me, before Ali opened her mouth, “So explain what happened this morning? I thought we told you to stay away from them?” she asked, arching an eyebrow towards me.

“My parents took my car so I had to walk to school. Harry happened to drive by with Niall, and offered me a ride,” I answered, fiddling with my fingers a bit as I did so out of nervousness.

“Harry doesn’t just offer people rides, Sam,” Jenna countered, looking at me suspiciously. Jesus, was this an interrogation or something?

I shrugged my shoulders, “Well he offered me one,” I replied blankly.

Jenna humphed, leaning back while Ali spoke up, “Then explain what happened in the parking lot this morning?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

I felt my stomach not up at her question, “What do you mean? Niall and I hugged but-“ I started to say when she cut me off.

“You know that’s not what I meant. I was talking about the kiss you and Harry shared and don’t bother telling me you didn’t like it because by the looks of it, you were enjoying it quite a bit yourself,” Ali interrupted, staring right at me with her piercing blue eyes.

I gulped, knowing I was caught, “Ali, Jenna I can explain-“ I started only to have Jenna cut me off this time.

“Explain what? How you didn’t listen to us? It’s alright Sam, we were just trying to protect you but obviously you didn’t care-“ Jenna started but I cut in.

“No! I do it’s just-“

“Just what?” Ali challenged, cutting me off, making me groan in frustration. Maybe if they let me get one damn sentence out they’d know!

“I don’t see what’s so bad about them?! They’re good guys!” I defended, raising my voice a bit, quickly bringing it back down once the table beside us, looked our way.

“They’re going to hurt you, Sam! He’s going to hurt you! He’s going to use you just like he does all the other girls and once he gets what he wants from you, he’ll push you to the side! You’re just another name to scratch off the list to him!” Jenna exclaimed, not only turning this from being about everyone to solemnly about Harry. And I’m almost positive everyone in the cafeteria knew that as well do to everyone’s eyes on us and the silence that filled the room.

“You don’t know that,” I defended, not wanting to believe them.

“Maybe you’re right. Maybe we don’t know him as well as you do. I mean, you don’t see us lip locking him!” Jenna countered, making my face go white as everyone stared at me.

“You have to pick, Sam. We like you a lot, and we want to be friends with you but if you’re going to keep seeing him then we can’t be. Because I won’t stand around and watch you get yourself hurt,” Ali informed, putting me on the spot.

I could feel my heart beating against my chest as I felt everyone’s eyes on me waiting for me to answer.

“If you guys were my real friends you would stand by me not matter what,” I whispered, feeling the back of my eyes pinch as they frowned shaking their heads.

“Well them there’s your answer,” Jenna stated, before she and Ali got up from the table.

“I’m really sorry, Sam,” Ali apologized quietly before exiting the cafeterias with Jenna. Leaving me alone at the lunch table, with everyone’s eyes on me. I looked over my shoulder slowly, towards their table to see that pair of emerald green eyes staring at me sadly.

He was right.

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