chapter5 where to next part3

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Tiffany's pov

there were so much sound surrounding me and even moving around. but I didn't I want to get up from where I'm laying. I was to lazy to get up back then when I was laying on something soft. I didn't want to open my eyes, do you want to know why. because I'm lazy, that's why.

but still I have to get up one way or another don't I.

I open my right eye looking at my surroundings. all I could see was purple and little designs of Angeles looking down at me smiling. I didn't smile back except to get up from what seem to be a bed that is now of mine. I look around the room, mostly everything and I mean everything was mostly purple. the walls, the closets, the bathroom, even my bed.

this has to be a dream right. who would ever give things to me like this. I'm not capable of having things like this. its really too much too ask for.

I walked up to the closet door opening it finding.... OMIGOSH.

" are you serious, a closet this big and long. even field with clothes that are... omigoodness."

I wanted to cry. are they serious about me actually wanting me to be their daughter.

i then walked out of the closet. then walked over to a desk with a mirror and brushes on the desk. then I grabbed the chair that was under the desk. I sat down looking at myself in the mirror and grabbed something out of my pocket. my gift that my music teacher gave me. I think I'm going to put it in my hair now.

I put the tie on the desk and grabbed the brush brushing my hair. once that was done I was ready to put my hair up leaving some bangs down. I tied it to the top so people can see it.

I got up and walked to the door wanting to leave this room. I opened the door and closed it once I was out. my eyes widen for the halls were wide and long that it will make some body feel small inside here. I stopped looking around and started thinking which way I should go, then I got my answer and started walking to the left.


okay I give up, I'm lost in this huge house that I can't find my way out of here. I went sixteen different ways and still nothing of no one and an exit.

I stand there silently thinking, until I heard voices in a different location. I followed the voices from where it was coming from. I saw staircases along head. the voices were getting louder and louder. I walked right in front of the staircases. to my surprise there were12 men down stairs, they all look to be young.

then one of the men looked up at me with wider eyes. he then looked at one of the other men then looked back at me.

" Jun, look it's her." he said aloud catching all the boys attention. they all looked at me with wide eyes.

" isn't she just beautiful." my mother said turning around looking at me,so did my father. they both smiled at me." oh my, it looks like you've changed your hair style."

" m- mother, look at her she's different from us, we're Korean and she's.... I don't know what she is." one of the 12 men said.

I didn't feel hurt at what he said. not at all.

" Kim, don't say that to her. it's rude of you to say that to your sister."

mother turned around and looked at kim.

" mother, its alright." I said looking at her.

she turned around to look at me with worry in her eyes. she decided to walk up there with me smiling. saying " your a brave one aren't you. Tiffany."

she touched my cheek. then turned to father." honey, may you please finish the conversation with the boys." she said calmly as ever.

" I may. go and play with Tiffany for a while. I'm sure she wants to hang out with you." father said turning around facing the boy's.

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