chapter 10 dont know what to say

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hyuk pov

after my walk with leola, it was... weird. after having that big argument with her brother and the boys it was time we left befor any thing got heated.

i said good bye to leola but she didnt say it back. it kind of made me mad...or sad that she didnt say it.

yeah ,we just started talking to each other and stuff but no one's ever like that to me. with me stuck in my thoughts i didnt notice that i was far ahead of everybody, then somebody grabbed my shirt which of course scared me to death. i stop walking and turn around looking who grabbed me. I saw N looking all worried, i relaxed a little.i shouldn't be worrying over something like this its stupid. i looked down and sighed " im sorry, its just that I've never been so left out hanging by a girl. she's different all right."

" well remember, she will only hang around the people she knows that's been by her the longest. do you know who she hang out with or talk to around the school"said ken

" now that I think about it she only hangs around two people's.and there girls of course."

"of course she would hang around girls.I bet she despises men" leo said

we all stopped walking.

"but what about her brother's, do you think she despises them as well." hongbin said.

"from the looks of it, I don't think so.but then again she could" ravi said

"hyuk, you need to know who those girls are to get more information about her."

"right but let's plan this at the dorm,come on Vixx let's go

we made it there in a few minutes and not taking that long to make it there.

i feel so tired of playing school dress up even though i just graduated from that school and in college( not yet)

why couldn't hongbin do it or ravi. better yet leo. im tired of always being the one who has to do things like this. even though i like to cosplay there are just things that are hard just doing them. and the fact that im a idol too.

i think how i first met leola. she was shy, not talkative, and had this lifeless side of her. she seems to be bullied alot from the looks of her bruses. i shake the thought of it off my mind and focus on whats going on. i see ravi thats laying down on the couch,N talking to leo, ken, and hongbin. what's the plan that N wants to achieve with leola by bringing her to her real family? what ever plan it is i hope im not in it, but then again i hope i am.

" N, whats the plan so far." ravi shouted across the room lazily.

i walked around not really wanting to listen to what they say about this plan. I'll ask leo later but for now im tired.

i walk into my room that i share with leo and go to my side of the room going to sleep and let darkness take over.


so what do you guys think about it. like so far. it was kinda hard to either put vixx in there are not but my friends that are in the story wants to date k pop people and i was like oh okay fine I'll add them in there. so please give me some people that are kpop stars that you like

okay guys bye

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