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"My universe will never be the same

I'm glad you came "

Gabriel Voss stared at the crowd outside the hotel, where he was lodged through the window of his room, feeling an immense emotion invading his chest. For so long time, he had dreamed with it and now it did not seem real. It is true that his career had gone through ups and downs like any artist, but at that moment the Rockstar was at its height. For several months, his songs were on the charts, his CD was one of the bestselling albums in America, he and his band traveled all over the world doing shows and taking the positive messages he loved to convey through his songs. All this could not be more ... Perfect.

The idea of ​​casting a fan for the chance to take part in the tour had left him directly. It was a way of thanking for all the affection he received. And as he watched all those people gathered close to the balcony of his hotel room with posters and banners of him, he felt a great urge to take them all on the tour, but unfortunately that wasn't possible. Only one person had been gifted, and her name was Melissa Bittencourt. Gabriel Voss had been looking forward to meeting her all that month. As soon as he saw her in that photo, he felt something strange... Her face seemed so familiar, but where could they have met? On a show, maybe, it was the most obvious.

"Gabriel, I love you ... Gabriel, I love you..."

The guy smiled at the crowd of fans singing in chorus. He opened the balcony door and leaned over the railing to greet them... He loved that contact with the audience, the love they gave him, the warmth of their emotions. The loveliest thing was that his fans were not just about teenagers, but many adults also followed his career and admired his work, and that was really exciting. Smiling with sympathy, the singer nodded and sent a kiss to the fans, making them crazy. And to return the affection, they began to sing the chorus of his single most famous, Stay alive.

It was impossible for Gabriel Voss to contain the emotion. That was the first song he composed in his life... There was something very special about the song. He had written it thinking about people who lose their will to live and think about suicide. That music was a stimulus to life, it taught people to value trivial things, to put aside their sorrows, and to focus on what is worth. When the fans finished singing, he applauded and bowed to them.

The singer wanted to spend more time there with his fans. It was rare moments that could be so open. Most of the time he had to have six or seven bodyguards on his side to stop anyone from touch his skin. It was no exaggeration, there really were fans who pulled him so hard that he even hurt. He knew it was not purposeful, and sometimes the emotions speak louder. However, as a human who loved to live, he needed to think about his safety in the first place.

He was so entertained by the audience that he hadn't even noticed the cell phone ringing, he only knew he was getting a call because the phone kept ringing in his pocket. With much sympathy and affection, he said goodbye to the fans and returned to his room. The thick tempered glass door stifled the noise outside as it was closed leaving the room quiet and quiet. Gabriel took the phone out of his pocket and picked it up.


"Is everything okay with you? The security chief told me that near your balcony is crazy. There are fans everywhere."

"I was on the balcony right now interacting with them."

"Were your security guards with you?"


"Are you crazy?"

"Arthur!" He rolled his eyes. "They are my fans, not terrorists."

"A fan killed John Lennon, you know that?"

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