Chapter Three

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'Of what do I owe you?' Those were the first words I heard as I opened my dreary eyes. I could still feel Chewy's warm body pressed up to me as I gazed around.

Alden was stood at the barn door, speaking with an unfamiliar man. I figured he must be the owner of the place we were staying in. He sounded calm, but tense. 'I need that payment. With this old donkey, I need extra money now.'

'I'm sorry sir, we can't yet afford to pay you.' Alden seemed almost desperate.

'Alright,' The barn owner cast his eyes towards me and Chewy. 'The girl seems to get on well with it. I'll tell you what, if you can take this ass of my hands, I'll take what you got and call it even.'

Anger spread through me like fire, 'Chewy is not an 'it'. And, whilst I know it's a correct term for a donkey to use 'ass', I suggest you avoid using it.' My voice was like a cat's hissing, low and sharp. The owner didn't take notice, he only turned to Alden and whispered something to him. I couldn't quite catch what. Alden nodded, though I could see the comment upset him. His face wasn't in view, but I saw his fist tighten slightly.

'I can't have an extra mouth to feed.' Alden murmured, looking back and forth between me and the barn owner.

'It'll cost you less.' The owner coaxed.


Alden met my turquoise gaze with a gentle brown look before turning back to the owner.

'Very well. You got a deal.'

I was light enough for Chewy to carry me. And, honestly, he didn't seem to mind. It really helped Alden, as well. It meant he didn't have to waste energy carrying me everywhere.

I was sat up, so I felt more independent than when Alden was carrying me. I could track movements and noises more easily. I saw the same dove again.

She was perched in some holly bushes. Her head was held high and her beaded eyes pinned to me. Her gaze felt familiar. Warm, loving. I smiled at her, my grin scrunching my eyes. She fluffed up her feathers and squawked at me. It kinda of felt like she was saying, 'hello'.

We rode past her, and she fell from view. But, somehow, I felt like she was following up. I could always feel her soft gaze upon me, even when she wasn't in my line of sight. I glanced over at Alden. I wanted to know if he could feel her gaze to. He was staring straight ahead. His eyes glued to the path they were slowly following. He did it again.

'The dove is following us, yes. Don't know why.'

He read my thoughts. How? Still no idea. He's one of those people. You know? The ones who just know. Just know everything. They make you feel ignorant. Yet, important. The kind who don't speak for the benefit of hearing their own voices, but for the benefit of the ones they care for.

'How do you know?' I retorted.

He chuckled, 'You can feel it to, can you not?' He cast a cheeky and amused glance in my direction and I threw on a fake pouting face. His voice was almost teasing, mocking me. But, not in the way other people would mock me.

A friendly way.

A playful way.

A caring way.

Almost, loving.

'Don't look at me like that, kiddo.' Alden laughed, 'I'm kidding.' He reached up and ruffled my long, blonde hair. Streaks of hay still stuck out of my messy curls. I laughed along with him and Chewy grunted. Not in an annoyed fashion, more in a 'give me attention, please' way. So, I leant down and wrapped my arms round his neck.

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