part two

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i wake up to banging on my door and i'm certain that it's dan. i mean, who else could it be? he's the only other person that lives with me.
"phil," he says softly. man i love his morning voice. "wake up, i don't want you to miss the morning anime and breakfast routine."
i sigh a little. it's not an agonising sigh, it's a loving sigh. i love him so much. "okay, i'm on my way."
i stop looking at the ceiling and i look down at my body. i can't see anything that well so i blindly search for my glasses on my bedside table. that's weird, i don't remember going to sleep without a shirt. i roll my eyes and wander over to my wardrobe and choose the first t-shirt that caught my attention and put it on my body.

i walk into the kitchen to find dan making pancakes. "something smells great." i say wearily, hugging him from behind and nuzzling my head into the space between is neck and shoulder.
"phil!" dan exclaims, slightly nuzzling his head on top of mine and kisses my ear.

here comes sunshine.

no no no! i can't ruin this moment! i need to do something and i need to do it quick.
all of a sudden dan says, "okay as much as i love this, i really need to flip this pancake." i give him one more tight hug and pull away.

he could feel your bulge.
shit. what do i do? what do i do... "dan have you chosen the anime yet?" i yell to him in the kitchen.
"we've watched all of the dvds we have twice, see what's on cruncyroll maybe?" he replies.
i take up his suggestion and turn the tv on. i scroll through the crunchyroll recommendations for around a minute until i find something that catches my eye. "hey dan!" i yell, "we haven't watched erased in a while do you want to watch that?" i wait for a reply and in those few seconds i hear a soft 'shit' come from the kitchen. "everything okay?" i yell again.
"um, yeah everything is fine, just a pancake on the ceiling. erased sounds great!" at the sound of those words, i laugh a little at the thought of dan launching a pancake to the air and it landing on the ceiling. i get the first episode of erased ready for when dan comes through with a massive plate of pancakes.


after about an hour of scrolling through all of the social medias and playing around with the snapchat filters, dan finally arrives into the living room with a big stack of pancakes. "mm," i say trying to refuse licking my lips "do you want me to help with bringing in the pancake toppings?" i ask. in response, dan doesn't say anything he just nods.

i do what he says and wander over to the kitchen and pick up as many toppings as possible. i can only pick up three otherwise i can't see where i'm going and it would end terribly for both me, the toppings and the floor. i can't help but notice the pancake on the ceiling is slowly peeling and it could land at any moment.
my first instinct is to put down whatever i have in my arms and stand directly underneath the ready-to-fall pancake. at that moment, dan comes in to collect the toppings that i couldn't manage to carry and laughs at the sight of me gazing up to the pancake with my arms wide open. "what are you doing?" he sniggers. i don't say anything, i just laugh and gesture to the pancake. he laughs again, followed by a "you spork." he releases the toppings that he began to pick up and stands next to me but he doesn't gaze up to the pancake; he gazes up to me instead.

i look back at dan with the same loving eyes he's watching me with. this is perfect. i love him. his sparkling brown eyes, his beautiful curly hair. we go in to kiss each other but at that exact moment, the pancake has departed from the ceiling and has arrived onto my head. i fling the pancake away from my body and we both burst out with laughter. i laugh so hard that my stomach hurts and i end up in dan's arms.

he lets out a soft "you spork." as he pulls away and kisses me to his hearts content. i do the same back and we've stood here kissing for five minutes now. all of a sudden he stops kissing and looks at me lovingly. since i've opened my eyes, my sight hasn't wandered from his stunning brown eyes. i notice that his eyes gesture in the direction of the lounge and in response i just smile as wide as a crocodile would.

he takes my hand and leads me to the living room. i can't see his face but i can tell that he's grinning from ear to ear. eventually, we reach the lounge and dan yanks on my hand forcing me to plummet onto the sofa. dan pins me down and gives me a million kisses all over my body, each one getting closer and closer to my lips. we share a passionate kiss for a good five minutes. i could do this for months, years even.

go on phil, take his shirt off.

i can't! he won't like it. he won't like me. our relationship will be ruined.

he'll like it. the way he grabbed you, he wants it. you know he wants it! you know you want it.

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