Bonus Chapter: Romantic Outing... Rockstar Vs Betting Queen...

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Contains some mature scenes...

As it's the romantic outing, some scenes or dialogues are there, which may not be suitable to your age...

Strictly no bashing is allowed...


My love for you is a beautiful and an endless journey... It's starts with forever and ends at Never...

There is no limitations... No depths... No reasons... No time limits... No boundaries for true love...

I never knew what's meant by love, till I met you... You are the sunshine of my life and you rule my world..


It's quite late in the evening and the chirping sound of the insects fills the place... The dense forest is looking like a haunted place and it brings an eerie and dangerous feeling, as if any wild animal or a poisonous reptile or a ghost can attack, if anyone passes by too...

But breaking off the odd surroundings, the romantic and passionate moaning of a boy and a girl is filling the air... The tree house in the top of that dangerous place is shaking without any control, as the couples inside are drowning in their love, not minding about anything...

The engaged couples Abhi and Pragya, who have a week's time for marriage, are doing some kind of wierd rehearsals and they want to show their dominance towards the other

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The engaged couples Abhi and Pragya, who have a week's time for marriage, are doing some kind of wierd rehearsals and they want to show their dominance towards the other... No one is giving up and is hell adamant to win it to prove their love is greater....

"Abhi... Umm... Ab... Abhi...  This is not fair, man... We decided already na... I'm the one to lead this time...  No... No.. Abhi...

You are cheating me... You are dominating me and is not letting me to do anything... I... Ab... Abhi... Ummm...

Pragya moans uncontrollably as the tingling sensation is shaking her whole body... Abhi is giggling and teasing her to his heart felt content, as if he is taking revenge for her earlier doings....

Pragya tries all her might to dominate Abhi but he didn't allow her to lead, by any means .. Both fights for dominance, but unknown to them, their bodies and their hormones are reacting uncontrollably...

After the dramatic reunion, Abhi and Pragya did all kinds of stunts and begged the elders to give them some alone time, so that they can enjoy and spend some quality time as lovers... They badly wants to have a private day out, before the wedding rituals starts in full swing...

But the elders are not at all pleased with their idea... They advised them to plan everything and go anywhere, after their marriage... Abhi and Pragya can't accept their defeat so easily and they come up with all kind of reasons to get permission from them...

I FELL FOR YOUR EYES - Abhigya FF BY CrazyMahiz... (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now