Big Pimpin'

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I'd only been waiting maybe a minute when I heard the rumbling of his bike. There were various snack cakes in front of me and I had to admit the Twinkies were tempting but I was afraid if I ate anything right then, it would come back up in a few seconds. Rey pulled up to the grocery store and I sighed with relief. This night just needed to end and I was willing to crawl in a freaking gutter if it meant I wouldn't get hurt for the next couple of days. I was keeping a look out for him behind one of the neck high shelves, hoping he would get here quickly and he had.

He wrenched open the door, the muscles on his hands and arm flexing with how hard he gripped the door handle before throwing it open. Because of the three shots Rob had emptied into the store, the cashier was already cowering in fear behind the encased register box and was just starting to come out when Rey opened the door. Needless to say she'd ducked back down.

He only paid her mind for a second before he looked right at me. He was dressed differently than he normally did. A white v-neck under a black leather jacket, dark blue jeans over biker I guess he wasn't completely dressed differently but this was the first time I'd seen him in something other than all black.


There was no hesitation in his step as he walked around the shelf I was hiding behind and looked me over, making sure I wasn't hurt before he kissed me. Not exactly the greeting I thought I was going to get but it was good enough. Definitely more than I expected. My nerves were so shot from everything that happened tonight I almost melted into a puddle when he bit my bottom lip to end the kiss.

"Are you ok?"

I was perfectly fine now. "Yeah," I said with a really shaky voice.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded and looked up at him. "I think the cashier is more upset than I am."

He just shrugged at that one and kissed my forehead. "Let's get out of here. The last thing I want to deal with tonight is more cops."


We headed out of the store and I gave the cashier an apologetic half-smile. She just looked scared and slightly annoyed. The second Rey pulled away from the curb she'd be calling the cops. Which meant someone would be on my door step asking questions tonight at the earliest or tomorrow morning after reviewing the security tapes and matching my description with the incident report from the diner. Just peachy.



"I can't."

"Can't what?"

"Get on your bike."

He looked back at me and frowned. "Don't tell me you've suddenly developed an aversion to it."

"No. I don't mind it's just—I'm in a skirt."

Guess he missed that on his first inspection. Even though he was in a bad mood, his lips twitched. What would it take to make this guy smile? Oh, that's right. The last time he smiled we'd been...

"You're doing it again."


"Eye fucking me."

I could feel the burning in my injured cheek as the blood rushed to my face. Why was I blushing? What was wrong with me? I'm a freaking hard ass for Christ's sake and here I am. Blushing. In front of the one guy who would use it against me.

"No I'm not."

"Yes, you are." He held out the helmet. "Get on so we can go."


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