Germany x artist! reader

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I'm sorry for the shit story, so just buckle up, and prepare for the shit storm!!!!! (Also, taking requests)


Reader POV

Sketch pad in hand, you sat along the edge of the track, where Germany, Italy and Japan were all working out. It was a common thing to see you along the sidelines as the men sweated in the harsh sun. Your name was (Y/N), and you loved art. You would sit along the sidelines of each workout day, and sketch whatever was on your mind.

After each practice, the men would come over to you to see what you had draw while they worked. Sometimes it was a simple yet intricate sketch of a bird, other times it was of a landscape or a sunrise. They always praised you for your work. You were glad when they did so, especially when Germany was the one admiring your work.

To say that you had a small crush on him would be a lie. You had become infatuated with the man, and everything about him. From his blonde hair, to his blue eyes, even the black cross he always had. Everything was perfect about him.

Today, you had been drawing again, but you were on a subconscious drawing. Not really paying close attention to what you were doing, you didn't realize you were drawing a stunning picture of Germany. You only figured this out when Italy had walked over to get a drink and asked to see your drawing.

"Ciao Bella! What are you-a drawing today?" He asked, in his usual bubbly-Italy self manner. You had no idea what you had drawn, for you had zoned out during the time they were practicing. "Oh! Well, lets see..." As you pulled out your sketch book and flipped to the page you left off on, you were speechless. You drew Germany. "Oh! That's very-a nice! Is it Germany-san? I'm gonna call him over! he will-a be so happy to-a see it! GERMANNYYYY!!!" He turned and yelled before you could stop him. "No Feli! He can't see it, goddammit!" You were red enough to put Spain's tomatoes to shame. " Vhat is it zat I can't see?" The strong German said, as he had made it over to you and Feli. "Nothing! Don't worry about it. Well, I think I have to go now, I mean, I have stuff to do, and all..... So bye!" You said in a rush as you jumped up and ran in the opposite direction of the men.

Germany POV

I had just gotten there... what happened to make her leave so quick? Was it something I did? Oh god I hope not. That woman is the most beautiful woman in the world. She is so smart and kind, god I love her. I know she doesn't like me though, I'm just a big, sweaty German with a stupid accent. "Feli, vhat happened? vhy did she leave?" Of course, he looked at me with a blank expression. "I don't-a know. Why don't you go to her house and-a ask her?" I nodded and turned to head to her house. As I was headed there though, I realized something...... I need a shower.

Your POV

You sat in a swinging chair, that was strung up from your ceiling, as you looked at the painting you were working on at thee time. You were in your art studio. All of your past art work had been plastered to the walls of the room, and extra paint, canvases, and sketching tools were strung through-out the room. It maybe a mess to everyone else, but it was heaven on earth for you.

You were currently thinking about what you had just done on the training grounds. "Why would I do that?! That was so stupid... he probably thinks I'm just a weirdo now. Goddammit (y/n)! Why do you have to screw everything up!?" you yelled at yourself. You gripped your brush harder, knuckles turning white. A silent tear slid down your face as you continued painting, thinking about what you had done. Feeling guilty, you decided to call Germany. You dialed his number and waited. And the phone rang and rang. No one answered. You heart dropped. "Oh my god... He hates me.." You said as you began to cry. You sat back in your swinging chair, and picked your paint brush up again. Tears freely fell from your eyes, as your vision blurred and you dropped your brush. 'So much for a crush.'

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