~Just a Nightmare~

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It was midnight and my body ached after a day of heavy exercising. I couldn't get myself to sleep, regardless of how tired I actually am. I've been thinking too much lately. Laying alone in my couch, I began to... Hear and see things. This was weird because I have my sleeping mask on and the room was completely silent before. What's going on now?


"Jeff! Come on, Jeff! Let's go have some fun!," a familiar male voice called out to me. Wait... Is that...?
I turn around to see if I was right, and so I was. It really was him. And we're at our house! "Liu, you're... You're actually here! You're alive!" "Well, duh! Hey, aren't you gonna give me a hug, li'l bro?"

"O-of course I'll give you a hug!," I smiled and felt myself blink as I hugged my older sibling. Huh? "Jeffrey, Liu! Dinner's ready!"
"Coming, ma," said Liu excitedly. "Let's go, Jeff! Mom's making chicken pot pie!"
"Wait, really?! That's my favorite!"
Liu and I ran downstairs, to the dining room and sat around the table. Our father was there, reading a newspaper with a smile on his face.

Mom served our food and went over to her seat. "So, how was school today?," my dad asked, putting the newspaper down and getting ready to dig in. "It was good, I guess," Liu shrugged. "Anything you'd like to add, Jeffrey?," mom looked at me somewhat quizzically. "Nah... Not really." I grinned, taking a bite of my pie. Man, mom's such a great cook. Gotta fucking love her food!

"Hey, uh, Jeff?"
"Yeah, Liu?"
"What happened to your face?" At that moment, my brother's smile was fading away.

"My... face?," I started to notice my family staring at it. I glanced at my knife, where my reflection began deteriorating from a peachy hue to snow-white. Then, as of from thin air, my flesh began to be cut from ear-to-ear, provoking blood to roll down my cheeks. I attempt to close my eyes, only to realize that I no longer had eyelids. After that, the atmosphere turned dark and grim. Huh?!

"Jeff... Jeff... Why..."
"W-why what?," I face my family, only to witness a horrifying sight. My mother and father had stab wounds on their chests and Liu had some on his stomach. The three of them now possess cut-on smiles and empty eye sockets. Their skin was inhumanly pale and had an unearthly glow. I back away slowly but surely, afraid and confused of what's going on.

"Why did you do this to us?!," their distorted voices chanted in unison. "Why did you kill us, Jeffrey?!"

"Huh?! W-what are you-?!," they grab my arms and legs, with an extremely firm grasp. "Honey, get the gun! GET THE GUN!," my mother began to exclaim with a strident voice that could unsettle anyone. My dad takes out his loaded M9 pistol and points it at my forehead, his finger ready on the trigger. My brother and my mother tighten their hold on my limbs, all the while my father is choking me and about to fire.

I struggle hopelessly, kicking my legs and moving my arms to escape. I wiggled my neck, nevertheless I couldn't stop being suffocated. Tears fall from my eyes and I scream as loud as I can, yet help never arrives. "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!!! GOD, PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!!," I yell desperately to my family at the top of my lungs. Unfortunately, they just stare blankly at me, repeating my name over and over in a low, spine-tingling whisper that increased in volume each time.

Suddenly, I felt the room beginning to shake violently and my vision changing.


"...Jeff, calm down! JEFF!!!," Nina is over me, swinging me back and forth in a rapid and seemingly desperate motion, with one of her hands holding my blindfold in the process; and I'm back on my cabin's couch. It still was around midnight; I could tell from the darkness outside the window. I push her off and touch my face, which was damp with... Tears? For some reason, I was also panting. Smile appeared from behind her, squealing.

"Jeff..." Nina got up and hugged me softly, "It's okay, you just had a nightmare... Or at least I think that's what happened. Are you alright? You were screaming, so I came to see if I could help... You were flaring around a lot, too..."

I scowl at the killer woman facing me. "Why should you care, dumb bitch?" Nina then shot me an infuriated glare, "Well, excuse me for caring about my idol!"
"Nobody told you to care!"
"I chose to! So stop being such an asshole, Jeffrey!," Right then, I felt my heart stop for a second. She chose to care about me? What the fuck does that even mean?

Nina clenched her fists as her face turned bright red and her breath shook; then she began to wail slightly, leaving a salty trail down her cheeks. She threw my blindfold to the floor and covered herself with both hands, sobbing. At this moment, my irritated expression partially softened, along with this flourished a pain inside my chest for some reason. She starts to walk away from me and I hold my chest tight. I growl and shout at her, "Nina, wait!" She glanced at me, quivering, "What now...?"

I sigh and walk towards Hopkins, Smile dog being on my tail. I put my arms around her to see if she could stop crying already. Witnessing her like that... I don't know why, but it makes me feel bad. However, not in the usual good way. "J-Jeff, what are you-" "Sh. Will you fucking calm down if I stay with you just for tonight?" I was annoyed at my own offer, still it'd be great if she ceased. "Uh... Mm-hm..."

I cradle Nina in my arms and head to my room, where I placed her down on the bed. After that, I awkwardly laid next to her. Smile decided to curl up between us. Hopkins looked at me and I stared back into her ocean eyes, which I noticed had somewhat of a sparkle to them now. Her cheeks went a bit red, "Jeff... Thanks for this. You're actually not that mean all the time," she smiled. I scoffed and my face turned hot, "Don't think I'm doing this for something else. I just wanted you to shut the fuck up. Ain't gonna happen again," I roll my eyes feeling embarrassed, and she giggled.

This girl is weird... Why do I feel so drawn to her all the time? Killers can't get along with others like this. Still, it feels... Nice. Ugh! Pull yourself together, Jeffrey! Nina is just an obstacle in your path, so get rid of her. You're becoming... Soft... What the hell am I saying?! Just, forget it!

Nina touches my face with a big grin. "Goodnight, Jeffy. I hope we can train a lot tomorrow; you're a great teacher!" I snapped out of it when she said that. "Oh... Sure, goodnight," I give a small growl, "and don't ever touch my face." She chuckles and stops caressing me.

We made our backs face each other, having Smile lay in the small blank space dividing us. A while later, Nina and I passed out together.


Yessssss, I finally could publish this! 😅 I'm sorry guys; I've been busy this summer (I traveled to Colombia for a week, I've hung out with friends, and I've dealt with summer reading for school!). I'm actually really happy I had the chance to work on the fanfic and actually finish writing this chapter. Forgive me for procrastinating and being so damn irresponsible! 😂 Ali L., out!

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