C-2: Twenty Seven Weeks, Six Days

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|Dalton hasn't responded to any of my calls or texts the last few days. I know he's there - his mom checks up on me daily. The last time we were together wasn't as good as it could have been, but for the sake of his child, I would think he would at least have it in him to make sure all is well with my pregnancy. I try to tell myself not to worry about it, because I know all of this really boils down to after the birth.|

Twenty Seven Weeks, Six Days

Are you excited?" My mom asks. Finding out that I was expecting was devastating for her, but she did get over it. However, the house we lived in currently was already small enough as is, and we all knew that another mouth to feed would take away from what her other four children needed. Since her and dad divorced, things have been hard. We're doing a lot better than we were previously, but with what mom and my older sister makes, its enough just to feed us six. A seventh member wasn't expected. Mom was willing to care for me throughout my pregnancy, but she made it very clear that after the delivery, I'd be moving in with Dalton.

I wasn't opposed to that, but right now I just couldn't see he and I living together, and the last thing I need is for his anger with me to prevent him from being the dad he should to his son or daughter.

"Yeah," I respond, running a hand over my bump. Everyone had told me that for twenty seven weeks, I looked quite small. I'd battled some weight issues in my past, and for that I'd took a dive for the worst. If not for this pregnancy as reason to eat and properly care for my body, I'd probably be somewhere hospitalized and hooked up to IVs for being an anorexic.

"What do you think it is?" Mom's hand is shaking as she places it over my stomach. I know the idea of this still deeply affects her, but she's a lot more supportive than what she used to be over her sixteen year old getting knocked up.

I move my arm in a shallow shrug. A lot of people and websites have mentioned that there are key signs a woman can use to determine the sex of her baby, like cravings or the way they move and kick. I don't believe in any of that either. The only thing I do believe in is that an expecting female's intuition helps aid her in knowing exactly what she's having. I believe if she connects and syncs with herself, the spiritual side of her will be able to communicate with her unborn. I also believe that dreams are hidden passages that link with reality. Many women have explained beautiful occurrences of night visions that depict their mystery baby precisely.

I have yet to receive any of those, so for the time being I was open to anything, but I wasn't stretching for a particular gender. "I dunno. I guess whatever I'm blessed with?" That sounded reasonable, right?

Mom smiles at me, and I can see tears brim her eyes. "I'm... proud of you." She mutters. I grab her hand and give it a squeeze. Sometimes I needed to hear that every once and a while.

*** The Next Day ***

|Today I am twenty eight weeks, and for the first time in the last four weeks, I get another ultrasound. I can't wait to see my baby, and much to my surprise, Dalton left me a text early this morning saying he'd be here to pick me up. I felt a tremendous sense of happiness. Was he finally getting out of his feelings and stepping into reality?|

"E'Lana, he's outside!" My younger brother screamed.

"Thanks, Ry." I say, even though I heard the vehicle's honking.

"Be safe," My mom tells me, and my other siblings excitedly relay how much they wish to see sonogram images when I get back. My big sister kisses my forehead and rubs my stomach. "I can't believe you're having a kid before me," She grins, and I shake my head. "Trust me, if we could switch places..." But I wouldn't. I wouldn't change this, and she knows that.

She laughs at it anyway, and sees me out the door.

|The ride to the clinic was more peaceful than I thought it'd be. Dalton was even willing to make small talk with me without mentioning what happened Saturday. Since today was Wednesday, we both got excused from school. A reasonable absence. Word was already around I would be a mom, but I did miss my days of just being a regular girl.|

As we pull into the clinic, Dalton looks at me. "Are you happy?"


His smile brings back blissful memories, and we get out of the car and take route up the few steps and through the doors of the hospital I would deliver at in a few short months. We are seated only a couple minutes before my name is called. Dalton helps me up as he used to do when we were dating, and the nurse leads us into the separate section of the hospital where the familiar room is located. My specialist, Dr. Heinz, has yet to come in.

"What made you want to come this time?" I ask him, genuine curiosity nipping at me. "It couldn't be me. Are you finally wanting to see your baby?"

"I've always wanted to see her."

What made him think it was a girl? "You never made the effort too before."

"I had to work, I already told you that. I'm here now, isn't that enough?"

"You could have called off, Dalton. I know work is important to you but your child should be more important. Two of the appointments were morning ones. You could have made those. You selectively chose not to be here."

"Now you see why," He sighs. "Look, I came because I wanted to be here for you. I thought it'd make you happy but I can see I was wrong and now you can't complain about me not being here anymore 'by choice'."

I look down at my lap. "I'm sorry." I continued to forget what I was working for. A good family. He and I didn't have to be together to give our child a good life and a sustainable home with loving parents.

|When my doctor finally comes through the door, the room is quiet and tense, but the weight is lifted rather quickly the moment he flips the machine on and lets us know we'll be seeing our unborn. As soon as I lay eyes on the moving image I can't help but feel engorged with loved and other mixed emotions. I look over at Dalton, and he seems taken aback. I decide that he deserved what I was about to make the move to discover ... and ask the gender. Both the doctor and Dalton look at me. Dr. Heinz gazes at the sonogram, and opens his mouth only for Dalton to hush him.|

"No ... Don't tell us," He looks at me. "I want it to be a surprise."

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