If Things Were Diffrent

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Once upon a time in the Land of Caves and Silence there lived a princess. She was handpicked by the Queen of the land from the lower aristocracy when she was just a grub. When the Queen first laid eyes on Nepeta she knew that the young troll would make a beautiful wife for her young son Equius.

As the years passed the King and Queen were harsh on Nepeta , they expected her to be prim and lady like, while she was just the opposite. She loved hunting and climbing trees, in addition to playing games with the young peasant trolls.

On more than one occasion the King and Queen had talked to their son about finding a new bride for him, but he always refused. Equius was in love Nepeta, and her unlady like manor would never change that.

Years later Nepeta was hunting one morning through the dimly lit underbrush of Lightnes forest which was on the outskirts of the Kingdom.  She had only a couple of hours before someone at the castle would notice she was gone. Her legs carried her quickly over all the boulders and rocks, as she smelled the air for prey.

“Aw man, I can’t smell a thing,” She sighed. Just then she heard a loud roar in the distance. Her lips curved in a smile,”Purrfect timing.”

Her long legs carried her in the direction of the continuing roars. She could smell sweat, blood and anger already. Her heart beat faster, now this is living she thought to herself. As she came closer the smells almost made her dizzy with their intoxicating aroma.

As she drew closer the beast’s bright red fur and huge stature were more apparent. She also heard someone’s voice through the breaks in the beast’s roar.

“Get out of here you ugly good for nothing idiot!” the voice screamed. In response the beast’s roar only grew louder. Nepeta hid behind a tree before the beast or his challenger could see her. She looked at the person who was screaming and her face grew warm with a blush. The challenger was very handsome, although kind of stupid for taking on such a huge beast alone. Nepeta giggled.

The challenger whipped his head in Nepeta’s direction and stared directly at her. Then the beast took his chance while the challenger had his back turned and sliced into the challenger’s flesh with huge sharp claws.

Nepeta growled and launched herself at the beast. The beast roared and lashed out with teeth and claws but he was no match for Nepeta’s agility and speed . The beast fell to the ground within seconds and its blood stained the forest flood.

After that Nepeta quickly ran over to the challenger to inspect his wounds. As she got closer to the challenger she saw crimson red flowing from his side. Nepeta tore off her cloak and wrapped the challengers wounds the best she could.  The challengers face was even handsomer up close, soft cheeks curved into a smooth chin and short black hair waved around his face.

His breathing was soft , almost as if he was dreaming. Nepeta looked at the sky, it was almost a quarter of the way to the center of the sky. I have to go she thought, but she couldn’t tear herself away from the challenger’s side.

After more than an hour the challengers eyes opened and he was shocked to see Nepeta staring directly at him. “Ahh”, he screamed “ who are you and what the heck happened to the ugly ass hole who was destroying my hive?” Nepeta giggled and smiled,” Well I’m Nepeta and I killed the beast for you”.

The Challenger blushed; filling his grey skin with a soft red tint, “Well I could have easily done that , but thanks.” . The Challenger forced his body off of Nepeta and struggled to maintain balance. “You really shouldn’t be walking yet, you took a furrocious hit!” Nepeta stammered. The challenger swayed and Nepeta caught him from behind before he could hit the forest floor.

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