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How can you feel something, when you know it's wrong. I do not love, love brings to heartbreaks, and heartbreaks brings to sadness. I do not want to love.
"What?" She turned to look at Lucas.
"Something wrong?"
You think something is wrong? Look at you, have you even met yourself? Of course something is wrong. Somethings been wrong since the day you arrived.
"No I'm fine," she said.
He turned to look at his book again, a smile across his face. Maya couldn't help but smile too.
"You know the feeling you get, when you know your about to hope, even know you know that hopes doesn't bring you other than disappointments." Maya asked, more speaking to her mind, than to Lucas.
"No, I've never felt that way. I believe that there always will be hope."
"Then try growing up like me."
"Don't you believe that there's any hope for you?" Lucas asked, finally closing his book, and giving her his full attention.
"No. I mean how could I?"
Lucas looked like he was about to say something, then decided not to, but then decide to do it anyway. "What about us?"
"What about us?" Maya asked confused.
"You think there is hope for us?"
"What kind of hope?"
He didn't say anything, but the look in his eyes told her all she needed to know.
"Yes," she finally said, "Hope. Lets just hope this single time."

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