Chapter 7

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The final bell went at the end of the day. I was meant to be being picked up in about an hour after lessons ended back at the base. Yes, I lived at the army base still because I was still a soldier and I was orphaned about a year after the war so had no one to live with outside of the army. But, I had to wait until someone could come and get me. There were two options. Wait outside until they came and probably get beaten up even more. And, no doubt, hurt my ankle again. Or, see if I can wait in tutor base. The latter sounded a lot better. So, I knocked on the door and walked in. I wish I hadn't.

"It was my fault they died. I couldn't save my own daughter."

"No. Levi. You don't get it. It wasn't your fault. You didn't know. You were doing what you were told to."

"But I should have protected them."

"No! Levi I love you but god damn it, no!" Eren shouted. I hadn't heard Eren or Hanji be this serious before.

"But..."This time I was the one to interrupt.

"For fucks sake Heichou! It wasn't your fault. You didn't kill any of us. Maybe not all of us died!" I shouted, bursting in the room. "Maybe,they planned for it to be like that. Maybe, they knew that they would die and made sure that we didn't. Maybe, you should get yourself together and stop contradicting yourself." I felt tears runningdown my cheeks again. "Great. You know how much I hate to break promises." I muttered.


"Oh my God! Levi! Seriously?" I let my anger go. "You can't even recognise your own daughter! Like, what sort of person does that? Who can't tell what their daughter looks like? Sure! It's been years but I haven't changed that much!" I collapsed to the floor. He was the one person I could always count on, I could always trust, I could always go to. Now, he didn't even know who I was. "I was going to ask if I could stay in here but I've changed my mind." I turned to Hanji. "I'll be at the base if you need anything."

Then I ran. They all called after me but I ran. I ran and ran and ran. It was ten miles to the army base but I ran the entire way there.

"I thought you were getting a lift with the Commander?" A hand landed on my shoulder. It was Captain Annie Leonhart. She had been my best friend for years. Ever since we first met, we bonded and climbed the ranks together. We were both Captains but I had been one longer.

"I was meant to be."


"But, I confronted Levi and told him and got really mad so I couldn't bare staying there much longer. I wouldn't be surprised if Hanji came over later." I rambled. Annie knew just about everything that went on at school. And, she knew about Hanji. In fact, she had seen Hanji the last time that she came over to mine.

"No. I don't trust you getting home alone in this weather. It's raining like hell. I'll give you a lift."

I nodded. I was too tired to argue with her. "Sure. Whatever. Just go to the army base and I'll direct you from there." She gave me a confused look but led me to her car. It was a small, red, ford with dog hair everywhere. We drove to the base, singing along to anime themes and whatever else came on from her phone. As we pulled up to the gate, I reached into my bag and pulled out a small badge.

A man looked in through Hanji's window and gestured for her to roll it down. She did so and he stuck his head through. "ID?"

I showed him my badge. He nodded and turned to Hanji. "No. She doesn't have any."

"Has she been cleared?"

"I've cleared her. Does that count?"

"Do I have a reason to trust her?"

I rolled my eyes. "She's a close friend to me and Captain Levi Ackerman."

"Ok. She's cleared. I'll get it sorted tonight. Go through." He took a step back and opened the barrier.

"Thanks!" I shouted behind us as we drove through.
"Who knew that knowing short-stack would come in handy?" Hanji laughed.

"Yup. He's well respected here. Oh, turn left then right immediately after."

"I never would have guessed. He doesn't mention it." She said looking around the corner.

"He doesn't realise it, I wouldn't think. He hasn't been here since their deaths. Left again then it's number three."

"Triggering I suppose. Here?"

"Yup." I leapt out ofthe car. I stuck my hand into my pocket and pulled out a small golden key and unlocked the door.

"Lillie! Have you heard the news?" I fell to the floor from the impact of someone jumping on my back.

"Hey Annie. And no I haven't."

"Oh my god..." She started.

"Can we get up before we start talking?" I asked. Then I noticed the look I was getting from Hanji. "Oh. Hanji. This is Annie. Annie, this is Hanji. Thanks for the lift. You want a drink?"
"No. I'm good thanks. I'm gonna go check on my dogs. See you at school tomorrow. Nice place by the way."


"Who was that?" Annie asked.

"That was my science teacher. She's the only one who knows about this" Annie nodded and we went inside for a chat.

Hanji now had a pass that let her get into the base whenever she needed to.

"Ok. Do you want me to stay over tonight? Just in case?" Annie asked. I nodded. "Race you then!" She took off around the corner laughing her head off.

"Wait for me!" I screamed.Everything from the earlier incident flew away in that moment. We were still children at heart. Even if Annie was nineteen.

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