Chapter 8

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We were sat on my couch watching animes, just chatting. "So, how's Mikasa?" I asked, giving her a sideways look.

"She's fine." She replied through clenched teeth. She hated it when I brought up her girlfriend. I always made her embarrassed.

"Were you at hers last night by any chance?"

"Yes. So what?"

"Oh. I was bored so I wanted to see whether you wanted to go to Scouts but then you weren't in so I assumed you were fucking."

She spat out her drink and slapped me around the back of the head, grinning like the CheshireCat. There was a knock on the door. We both knew who it was.
"Coming!" I shouted. "Get the door Annie. I really don't want to." She gave me a fake glare and went to the door. We were right. It was Hanji. "What?" I said once she had gotten inside.

"I wanted to make sure you were ok. You seemed pretty upset earlier."

"Yeah. Sorry about that. I'm fine."

"She's fine. She's been teasing me and being annoying. That means that she is fine." Annie smiled at my fake shocked face. We both burst into laughter again. Hanji stood there, bemused at the scene unfolding in front of her.

"Well, if you're ok, can you come and speak to Levi please? He won't listen to anyone." Hanji looked to the floor.

"I'll come if you're going Lillie."

"Yeah. Sure. It's ok Annie. Go find Mikasa. I'm sure she'll want a little fun again tonight."

"Mikasa?" Hanji said. "As in Jaeger?" I looked towards Annie. Surely not.

"Yeah. Why?" Now it was her turn to be confused as Hanji and I just looked shocked.

"She's there. Come with."Annie looked even more confused but nodded and followed us out to thecar.

"Mikasa is Levi's fiancé's sister. Or, my teacher's sister." She gasped and looked out of the window to hide a blush. I giggled. "I've made you embarrassed, yet again." She nodded.

I tried not to think about what I was going to say to Levi when I got to his and Eren's house. But, I found myself getting more and more nervous the closer we got. Hanji opened the door but I didn't enter for a minute. "It'll be fine."Annie whispered. I looked down at my khaki gear. Anyone could tell that this was military. Maybe this wasn't the best idea. "Come on." She put a hand on my lower back as we walked in.

"Levi!" Hanji shouted."There's someone here for you!" I rolled my eyes. Great. Now I couldn't leave.

Mikasa's head appeared around the corner. "Oh. Hey Annie. What are you doing here?"

"I came for Lillie. But, I'll be taking you back with me after." Mikasa blushed as I heard someone pretend to gag. Eren. Of course. I did the same and he laughed, "Get a room you two." He then turned to me. "You have some explaining to do." I nodded and was about to walk into the living room when my phone rang. I signalled asking for a minute.



"Yes? What?"

"One, is Leonhart with you?"


"Two, where are you?"

"Levi Ackerman's house."

"Three, be back before dark and there's an emergency meeting at midnight."


"Pass it on to Annie,please."

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Have fun."

I hung up. The commander was weird sometimes. The army still used Ackerman as my surname despite my name being Jems on the school register. That was the nickname of the squadron. The Jems. I don't know why it was spelt that way but we used it to make things simple. "Annie!"


"Meeting at midnight. It's urgent apparently. Copy?"

"Copy, sir." I chuckled."Now come here and speak to the poor guy. He's almost shitting himself."

"Yes, sir." I said in retaliation. I walked into the room. It was true. Levi looked awful. He was crying and looked like he had punched a couple of walls. When he saw me, he jumped up and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry, Lillie. I really am. I thought you were dead. I was sure that you were dead." He buried his face in my shoulder.

"Levi," I pushed him off and made him look at me. "One, it wasn't your fault. Two, I should really explain to Eren, shouldn't I?" He nodded and I began.

"When I was eight, a war came and took over my village in Japan. I already knew how to fight so, as soon as I found a gun, I started to fight as well. That's how I met Levi, Petra, Eld, Gunther and Oluo. They were fighting in a pretty epic gunfight but someone was sneaking up behind them. I saw and basically saved their asses. After that, I kinda followed them until they let me into their squad. We went to the General at the time and I was immediately drafted in as an official soldier. I went everywhere with them. Many people thought that Levi and I were siblings but I mostly saw him as a father figure. We were all just one family together. Now, I'm assuming you know about what happened on the day of everyone's deaths so I'm just going to skip most of that. There is one thing that I do need to say though. Before they died, when Levi here had blacked out, I made a deal with the others that no matter what, Levi and I had to get out. I also promised that I would give Levi a few things on the anniversary of that day. Which, if you didn't realise, was today. I said I would give them to him on the first anniversary I saw him on. Again, which is today." I pulled a small package out of my pocket including the pocket knife,book and pin badge, and handed to Levi. I then took Petra's locket from around my neck and placed it on top of the package. "There's one thing from each of them. They had planned for us two to survive. Do you remember that they all said sorry as they died? Well, that was because I had asked them to try and stay alive. They were apologising to me for breaking their promise.

"After they had been killed, a man came and took me away. At first I thought that he was going to hurt me like the other guy wanted to but he let me live with him until I was well enough to fight then he took me back to the base. Where I found out that you had left. That you weren't fighting anymore.

"I realise that I'm talking more to Levi than to you, Eren, but I have to say some of this. I carried on fighting for that entire war. I carried on fighting for you. For you Levi. I knew you had survived but I wasn't going to stop fighting until they had paid for what they did to our squad." I took a deep breath. I had said it. I had said it. Sure, I hadn't told them everything but I told them most of it. Everything that involved Levi at least.

"So he's not your actual father right?" Eren asked.

I laughed, "Of course not. He's gay for Christ's sake Eren."

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