Thinking About It

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Once there was a family that wanted a dog

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Once there was a family that wanted a dog. They wanted a little baby pug. They said that if they can't find a baby pug then they would get a bigger and older one. The thing is that the mother is saying "If we get a dog we are getting it after the vacation." The kids were sad because we are going on vacation next month and staying for 3 weeks and that is too long.

"Well I'm sorry." The mother said. Anyways the kids tried to forget about the dog but it was too hard. The kids decided to play outside after dinner. They ate chicken, green beans, and steak with water. After they were done they went outside to play. The backyard fence led to a forest. The kids began to climb the fence and try to find a puppy to keep safe and bring it home.

The kids found a lost puppy with a collar. They took the dog inside to show their mother. They told her that they wanted to bring it back to its owner. The mother helped them to call the owner. After they called, they took the dog to vet to make him healthy. After that they took the puppy home. The kids liked that dog and asked if they can get one today. The mother said yes because she thought that it would be hard to take care of a pup but she said it was actually pretty easy!

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