Dream Sequence

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Taehyung sat in a large, vast meadow with lavender colored grass- the sky a deep blue color, almost black, with sparkling white stars. Small waves crashed against the shore of the beach before him, the sound calming to his ears. The faint sound of crickets could be heard in the distance, playing their repetitive songs of woe. Though Taehyung should have felt relaxed and at peace, he felt more so...unsettled. Taehyung stood up to his feet and walked toward the water. He slid his shoes and socks off and dipped his toes into the warm liquid, the water slowly crashing against his legs. He stared blankly at the water below, examining his kooky reflection that always seemed to change due to the waves. Taehyung reached down and cupped his hands, filling them with water. He watched it slosh around slowly. As he continued to stare, the water seemed to grow more and more...dark...and...red...? Taehyung gasped in horror when he saw an eyeball float to the surface of the water in his hands. He dropped it down and backed away from the beach, accidentally tripping and falling onto his butt. 'Monster' was all he heard, the word swarming around his brain in whispers over and over. Soon, the water before him began to form a large person with glowing white eyes.

"No!!!" Taehyung screamed. "Get away!!"

The being began to make its way toward Taehyung, and the closer it got, the farther Taehyung moved away.

"Please, stop!! I don't want to hear it anymore!! Just leave me alone!!" Taehyung cried.

"Not until you realize..." The deep voice whispered harshly.

The strange being's form turned to that of water again, swarming around Taehyung and devouring him whole. Taehyung took one last gasp of air before falling slowly submerging into the large, dark ocean. There was nothing but pure and still silence as he drifted down slowly. Taehyung stared up at the demonic man floating above him, his eyes a piercing, bright red that seemed to stare right through him.

"Are you happy now, idiot??" Taehyung questioned in a sassy tone.

The man grabbed Taehyung and pulled him close, to where their noses nearly touched.

"You've made a friend...that's a bad idea, and you know it..." The man grumbled.

Taehyung's brows furrowed together.

"It wasn't my fault! He basically forced me!" Taehyung argued, shoving the demonic boy away.

"Right. He didn't force you at all. You chose to be his friend. There was no forcing involved." The man corrected.

"...well...what else was I supposed to do, huh??? I felt bad for him!" Taehyung exclaimed.

"This isn't good, Taehyung...not good at all." The man muttered.

"And who's fault is this?? Yours!!! You made me likes this!!!" Taehyung shouted.

The man's gaze grew angrier and more intimidating than before. He moved closer, his eyes feeling as though they were shooting daggers through his brain.

"I think you forget who you're talking to, kid..." The demonic figure hissed.

Taehyung felt himself falter beneath his large being. He gulped slightly and looked to the side, regretting what he'd done almost immediately. The sound of the man's fingers snapping made his heart freeze. His blood ran cold...ice cold. He looked back at the real monster that floated before him, having a hard time keeping his eyes on the item in his hand. It was a doll that looked dangerously similar to Hoseok...but it wasn't just any doll...

it was a voodoo doll.

Taehyung swallowed heart, quickly returning his gaze to the demon's bright red orbs.

"What a shame...isn't it...? A boy with a kind heart...a mindset of youth and innocence...having to have is life on the line...all because one spoiled little brat decides to constantly act up..." The man grinned.

Taehyung felt his blood begin to boil, but tried his best not to show it.

"Please...I-I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking...I just spoke...I said things that shouldn't have been said, and I apologize." Taehyung muttered.

There was a moment of still silence as the two just stared at each other, one having a dead expression, while the other smiled in amusement.

"You know...I like you, Kim Taehyung...so I'll let this go as just a warning." The demonic figure stated, snapping his finger again, causing the doll to disappear into thin air...or...in this case...water...? Once that horrid toy was gone, Taehyung immediately felt a non existent weight lift off of his shoulders, but he immediately tensed again when the man neared closer.

"But just know that there are no more warnings after this...you screw up...you get to face the consequences..." He growled in a low, harsh voice. "...am I understood...kiddo?" He grinned.

Taehyung inhaled shakily and nodded his head quickly.

"Y-Yes...yes, I understand." Taehyung stuttered worriedly.

The demonic man snickered and chuckled. "You're really quite amusing, Kim Taehyung...I always enjoy our little chats."

Taehyung sighed and looked down at the endless abyss beneath him. "Yeah...me too..." Taehyung mumbled, though he really wanted to say, "I wish I could say the same..."

The man stared at him and grinned one last time.

"Well...I'll catch ya later, Tae...and...well...we all know there is going to be a later." The man joked, though it was true. He laughed, while Taehyung just remained quiet.

"Yeah...see you around..." He spoke in a small, low voice.

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