Just a strange boy behind the bar

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We go to take the first steps out of the lady's room and mom almost immediately begins to sway. I stop in my tracks and instead help her to a chair so she can sit for a moment. She slumps forward and I finally understand why Maya said to just get her out of the restroom; she's completely and utterly drunk over her ass. I feel suddenly very frustrated that Reena and Ridley might be home by themselves longer than I had anticipated. I reach my hand out and grab mom's arm and tug lightly to get her attention. Seeing her eyes flutter I shake her harder my frustration finally hitting it's peak. "mom" I mutter "Get up we have to go home." I hear her mumble something but don't catch it before she slumps forward. I sigh in irritation and drop into the chair next to hers to wait until she wakes up. Looking curiously I decide I might as well have a look around or help Maya out. I stand back up and walk over the the bar and look up to see... the most gorgeous boy I've ever seen in probably my whole life. I blink stupidly up at mystery boy before saying "Where's Maya?" The guy looks up at me, blinks and then smirks lazily down at me. "She's in the back" he replies. I frown slightly and decide I might as well ask him why he's behind the bar when it's obvious that he is about the same age as me. "So why are you standing back there?"I ask. Mystery guy chuckles at me saying "Cause my Aunt asked me to keep an eye on the bar and to make sure none of the usuals are harassing the girl employees." I look at him in confusion before saying "You're Maya's Nephew? Mystery guy finally laughs saying "Yeah she's my aunt, how do you know her?" I stiffen up and look home up look him up and down cautiously "She's a good friend of my dad." Mystery guy nods "So what's your name?" I look up at him curiously before saying " Morria and you are?" Guy with no name smirks at me before saying "I'm North Gates and you must be the girl my aunt was talking about."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2017 ⏰

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