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"Haz I'm sorry" Louis said to him "No Lou, That's enough. Goodluck for your baby, We're done" harry finally speak up as tears cant stop falling from his eyes.

"No, oh god no please no please dont leave me harry, I'm really sorry. I was drunk and-- and--" Louis tried to explain to his now ex boyfriend packing up his clothes "and what ? You cant explain to me right ? You're cheating on me Tomlinson, I can't believe this" harry said while putting his clothes to his bag.

"I dont care about the baby Hazza, I want you" Louis said "LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON, you knocked someone up and now you dont want the baby, what an evil ?" Harry zipping his bag "oh god haz please dont leave me, I'll do anything for you please" Louis said as tears streaming down his face.

"I want you to let me go and be a good father for your child Lou" harry said and then disappeared behind the door.

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