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Harry POV

'One direction's member Louis Tomlinson is rumored going to be a dad. And what about his boyfriend Harry Styles ? Are they going to break up ? Read the entire article here ...'

I found this article about Louis 'going to be a dad', but Louis always said to me to not to believe on what the media said and just forget about it. so I locked my phone immediately and look around our bedroom, yeah Louis and I's shared bedroom.

It looked a little messy so I think I should clean up while Louis is at the studio now, working for his solo project. Yeah, most of the boys is currently working for their solo project. Like Niall will release his own album on this summer, Liam just released his first single 'strip that down' last week and now he's doing promo and Zayn is currently working on his second album.

When I take one of the pillows. I saw an envelope with Louis's name on it. It's from a hospital in Los Angeles.

'Why Louis never mentioned about this ?'
'Is he hiding something from me ?'
'The rumours is not true right ?'

I thought at first and started to panic. Suddenly I'm not feeling good. So I opened the envelope a little bit and saw the word 'PREGNANT' on it.

'Men can't get pregnant right ? And Louis can't be pregnant because he's top'

I feel so confused at first but then I remembered about the rumours.

The rumours it's true. THE RUMOURS ITS TRUE and its written 'BRIANNA JUNGWRITH : PREGNANT'. I'm starting to cry when I hear the door open.


"Babe I'm home" I hear Louis calling from downstair. "Bedroom" I answers while I hide the envelope behind my back and wipe my tears. My heart is now beating faster, I still can't believe this is happening to me, to us.

"Hey haz ! What are you doing babe ? You look shocked ? Are you okay" Louis kissed my cheek and put his cap on the nightstand "no" i answered coldly "haz babe, seriously are you okay ? Are you sick ?" He sat next to me and put his hand on my forehead, checking my temperature.

"Lou, I need you to be honest to me" I'm trying to hold my tears "yea-h what ? Whats wrong ? Are you okay ? Why are you crying ?" Louis started to panic "I found this. and there's your name written on it and I know men can't get pregnant but now who's pregnant ? And who's Brianna ?" I throw the paper in front of him I just can't hold my emotions anymore.

"Haz I'm sorry" Louis said to me "i promise that was an accident, that was just one night stand" he tried to explain but then he realize what he's saying "just one night stand huh ? Wow I can't believe this Lou, you're cheating on me" I can't hold my tears anymore I can't believe Louis did something like this "I can explain, I'm so sorry harry I'm-" he said, his eyes now is full of tears too "No Lou, That's enough. Goodluck for your baby, We're done" I speak up as tears cant stop falling from my eyes "No, oh god no please no please dont leave me harry, I'm really sorry. I was drunk and-- but--" Louis tried to explain while I started packing all of my things on my bag "and what ? You cant explain to me right ? You're cheating on me Louis Tomlinson even though youre drunk at that time" I said while putting my clothes to my bag "you can't leave me baby, where are you going ?" Louis takes my hands "Dont baby me, you're gonna have your own baby. Your own son or daughter" I said while sobbing "I dont want the baby harry, I want you" LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON, YOU KNOCKED SOMEONE UP AND NOW YOU SAID YOU DONT WANT THE BABY" I yelled at him and zipping my bag "oh god haz please dont leave me, I'm sorry, I'll do anything for you please" he said tears streaming down his face.

"I want you to let me go and be a good father for your child Lou" I said and then closed the door behind me leaving Louis, my Louis.

I get in my car and drove to Niall's house.

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