|§| Chapter 2 |§|

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The day was slow, and difficult. I kept getting called on by teachers, who didn't seem to understand that I barely spoke their language. The worst moment was in English class. The teacher, Mrs. Smith, called on me and asked me to tell me what the author meant with the quote he used. I tried my best to answer but it was much more difficult considering I don't really speak English. That was a very awkward and embarrassing moment. With a heavy sigh, I rushed off the bus and ran to my front door. A note was taped to it.

"Took Oscar to his soccer game, Noah has chess club, and Oliver is at a new friend's house! There's some Mørbradgyrde in the fridge from last night."

I smiled at the little "love dad" that was scribbled near the bottom of the page. Unlocking the door, I stepped inside the silent house and went straight my room. My bag dropped by the door and I threw myself onto my bed. The heat of embarrassment still rippled in my cheeks as I face-planted into my pillow. I cursed at myself in Danish.

I turned my head, my eyes locking on my ukulele. A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth as I grabbed it and laid on my bed. My fingers strummed the chords perfectly. Hallelujah, the one song where I feel like I know how to speak English. The one song that makes me feel comfortable in this change of culture. My left hand flipped between chords while my right plucked each string gently. I hummed along to the relaxing sound of each note.

"I heard there was a secret chord, that David played and it pleased the lord but... you don't, really care for music do ya?" I felt my heart pump along to song.

"Well it goes like this the fourth the fif-" I cut myself off when I heard the door open.

With a groan of frustration I put my ukulele down and left my room. Oliver rushed up the stairs and disappeared into his room. Giggles erupted from him the whole time. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion but I shrugged it off and walked back to my room. I sat back down on my bed and immediately, the doorbell rang.

"Really? I literally just sat down." I muttered I myself.

With a sigh I heaved myself up and went to answer the door. I was met by a pair of big, stormy grey eyes and a wide smile. A girl. Long brown hair was swept across her pale face, blocking most of her pale and freckled forehead. It crawled down her back, struggling to reach her hips.

"Hi! I heard you guys just moved in." She chirped happily.

"Y-yeah we did... uh- my name's Coraline." I said awkwardly, playing with the orange fabric of my shirt.

"I'm Connie. I live across the street." She replied, pointing to the big white house that faced my own.

I nodded and leaned against the doorway, crossing my arms over my chest.

"So, do you mangler something?" I asked, chewing the inside of my cheek.

"What?" She said, raising an eyebrow.

I stared at her for a few moments before realizing my mistake.

"Oh, I-I meant do you need something?" I asked again, my cheeks burning.

I saw her shoulders relax with relief and shook her head.

"No, just wanted I welcome you to the neighborhood." She stated, brushing some of her curly locks from her face.

I nodded slowly, my brain trying to put each letter in its place to form the words she spoke to me. Connie seemed to notice based on her next sentence.

"I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say English isn't your first language." She said, a smirk dancing on her lips.

I looked to the floor, tracing the lines of my shoes with my eyes.

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