Authors note ( idk what I'm doing lol thanks for reading)
Calub= human prince
Jackup= calubs right hand man
Jade=kaley's older twin sister
Kaley= one of 2 werewolf princess________[in the meeting room]________
Jackup: hello princess jade and kaley
Jade: hello prince Calub I refuse to talk to your servant.
Calub: yes, yes hello princess kaley and jade.( calub rolls his eyes)
Kaley: hi
Jade: how long is prince nova going to make us wait.
..... (Erick and Sarah dragging nova in to the meeting room by his arms)....
Nova: nooooo I don't want to nooooo
Sarah: "we are here at least act like a prince." (sara lets out a sigh)
Erick: "presenting prince Nova Blade" (he says with his arm to his chest)
Jade: "your prince Nova!?"
Nova: "yes I am"
Jackup: "pff elven servants no wonder there master is a mess."
(Nova stud up and was quite mad)
Nova: "You are in my castle! Any disrespect for my servants! Is disrespect for me an insult to them is an insult to me!" (he said with a face that showed annoyance)
Calub: "I am sorry for my servants outburst." (he said with a bow)
Nova: "don't let it happen agen now why did you call this meeting princess jade and kaley."
Jade: "we sent scouts to the outer regens to see what was out there. We sent 4 and 1 returned beaten and and almost dead he said the story's we herd as kids the ones about the darkness no one believed in is real and it is coming here."
Jackup: "therefore , we want to make a treaty with you, the humans and werewolves have one we just need the vampires to sigh one so what do you say."
Nova: "NO" (he said with a bord expiration)
Jackup: "we know you would understand what!? NO!?"
Nova: "let me make things clear I will fight with you if the darkness attacks but I will never sigh a treaty with you I despise your countries as well as my ancestors for what we all did to the elves are ancestors we wrong."
Sarah:{ I had no idea that's how nova felt}
Nova: you may stay in my castle tell you are ready to leave good day.... (nova and his servants left the room)
Jackup: "your highness why do you take that from him he is just a brat kid prince you are a king why don't we just force him to sign it"
Calub: "Jackup watch your tongue!"
Jade: " humans are so insolent that KID is older then all of us and the prince of the strongest nation he could kill us all in one flick of his wrist."
Jackup: "he is that strong!?" (he said with a hint of worry in his eyes)
Kaley: "yes"
Authors note ( the pic is Sarah also thanks for reading and I would love any feedback back im tring to fix the part were it reuplodes parts idk why it is doing that)

FantasyLong ago there was a peaceful and happy land called darkes in this land there were 4 kingdoms there was the humans great at building and quite cunning next are the werewolves proud, strong and bold then there is the elves they are a smart and magica...