The Party

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The midnight breeze felt chilly against my bare stomach as I was practically dragged across the lawn of a large, white, double-story house. I felt bad crossing whoever's lawn because it looked like it was perfectly manicured, and whoever took care of it had a lot of pride in it. Now, all the teenager's footsteps down matted it, and I'm just adding to it.

A constant stream of complaints spilled out of my mouth as my friend dragged me by the arm to the door where loud music poured out of it. She quickly pulled out her phone, checked her reflection, and put it away before looking at me with a smile.

"Come on, Lainey, cheer up! I know you'll have fun because we both look hot, and there are a bunch of cute guys here which will make it worth your while." Mary said with a faint smile. "And even if you don't like the people here there's alcohol to indulge in."

I gave Marie a blank stare before stating, "Okay, let me clear some stuff up; One, I don't feel or look hot. In fact, I feel extremely uncomfortable and exposed in this skirt and crop top. Two, I don't like human interaction. Three, I don't drink, so can I go already?"

"No," Marie snapped, "You lost that bet fair and square, so now you have to go to a party like a normal teenage girl, and not mope around your room all day."

"You're right, I lost and you won, whatever," I grumbled while rolling my eyes, "Remind me again how long I have to stay here before I get to leave to my peaceful cave?"

Marie sighed before telling me I had to stay there until she said she was done drinking. Before I knew it, she was pulling me by the arm again into the pit of drunk, sweaty teenagers. Whilst walking in I almost face planted due to my heels before stumbling in after my giddy friend. The house had a tall ceiling with a grand chandelier hanging from it. A small staircase led upstairs where a couple was making-out on. I weaved through the crowd as they danced to the blaring music, trying not to suffocate. After nearly getting squashed, in slow toe-crushing pain, made my way to the kitchen where people were drinking bottles of beer and cups filled with God-knows what alcohol.

Marie quickly went up to a friend, grabbing a red cup and already started chatting away as I awkwardly stood in the kitchen without anyone to latch onto for safety. Feeling as if eyes were on me, I quickly pulled down my white mini skirt before looking up to see a tall, muscular guy with brown hair in a slicked-back style.

"Well, would you look here, it's the girl who never shows any skin at school suddenly wearing nothing but a bra and panties." The guy remarked before getting a closer look at my figure. "I didn't know you were a stripper off campus."

"Fuck off," I sneered as I got up in his face, "Just because I look differently doesn't mean I'm not going to punch you or one of your friends again."

"Whoa there," He said while putting up his hands in defense, "I'm not here to pick a fight so loosen up a bit."

I looked at him for a bit before backing up and folding my arms, still making eye contact, looking with malice. We both stood there for a bit before he reached past me, grabbing a bottle of beer, and handing it to me with a large grin. "Consider it a peace offering." He yelled over the music with a wink before walking away to a group of his friends.

I looked down at the brown bottle before looking up at Marie who already seemed a bit tipsy before hesitantly opening the bottle. The cap cascaded towards the floor with a small clatter as I dropped it after opening the bottle and took a large swig. It tasted bad, rancid almost, but I kept drinking it because that's what teenagers do, right?

After drinking about a quarter of the bottle alone, I walked over to the living-room where the music got even louder, and teenagers even drunker. As I continued to walk over to the corner of the room, I noticed a couple was making out on the couch like it was nobody's business while others drunkenly danced to the crappy music. Once I made it to the corner, I leaned back, propped one foot on the wall, and watched people as I sipped on my drink.

It was about an hour after I arrived and another beer later when I saw Marie stumble across the room with a guy practically attached to her. She playfully swatted his hands away from her waist as he kissed her neck. At first, I thought I needed to beat someone up, but she was giggling as the encounter happened, so I figured she was fine.

I started to feel a bit dizzy after my second beer, so I slowly walked over to a girl and asked where the restroom was. She pointed towards the hall and I thanked her before vomiting a bit in my mouth. I knew I was a light-weight but this is ridiculous. As I half-stumbled down the hall towards the bathroom, it seemed as if someone was pushing the door away and laughing at my misery. I wanted to go home; I wanted to curl up in a ball on my bed while watching a crappy horror film.

Finally, I made it to the bathroom, and once I got in I immediately vomited into the toilet. After, I looked in the mirror and saw my reflection and didn't recognize who I saw. Instead of a ponytail there were messed-up brown curls, replacing my egg-like complexion was a face full of sweated-off make-up, and instead of a baggy hoodie there was a white crop top and white mini skirt. I looked trashy, especially after vomiting.

I realized how much I yearned for my bed, so I jarringly opened the bathroom door and ran to find Marie. Marie was extremely drunk and lying down on the hallway floor, mumbling incoherently. Her blonde curls were plastered to her sweaty face, while her clothes were stained and reeked of vomit. Once I made it to her, I grabbed her arm and swung it around my neck, almost falling due to her weight and my unstable heels.

"Someone arrest that dog for obstruction of justice." Marie drunkenly mumbled as I dragged her out of the door.

"That's not a thing." I explained quietly with a faint smile.

"Do you know how many crime shows I watch?" Marie declared while trying to point in the air to make a point, "It's definitely a thing."

"You can't charge a DOG with human crimes." I elaborated on to what I said before, opening my car door, and placing her in it. "Oh, and what dog are you talking about?"

Marie mumbled something I couldn't make out, so I closed the door and walked around the back of my black, minivan before getting in the front and taking out my phone.

"You aren't driving, are you?" said the almost passed out blond next to me, "because that would mean the F.B.I. would be after us, and I don't want to be taken away."

"No Marie, I am not driving. I am calling my brother to pick us up so we can get home safe." I clarified as I punched the brother's contact name before hearing the dial tone.

"Oh," Mumbled Marie, "Oh, that's good because your brother is kind of cute." Marie quietly said before giggling like an idiot.

"Shut up, Marie." I smiled until I heard the voice of my brother's groggy voice. "Hey, David, uh, we kind of have a situation here..."

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