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the next morning i did my same routine. but before getting up i quickly wrote in my phone how many hours of sleep i had last night. i have trouble sleeping sometimes and i don't have enough money for any meds to help my insomnia so i usually stay up all night but on a rare occasion, such as last night, i get a few hours of sleep. last night i got two.

my day was going the way it goes everyday. boring...until i heard some fussing in the hallway. thirsty for excitement i ran out of the bathroom and join the crowd that was formed around two students. niko daniels and grayson dolan.

my hazel eyes widened when i saw niko lift grayson of the ground and slam him up again the lockers, while holding him up by his black, stretched out shirt.

"so you think your slick? drawing pictures of MY girlfriend and putting it in her locker like the weirdo tat you are?!" he shouted in grayson's face then slammed his head back against the lockers when he just smiled and didn't answer.

"i'm talking to you!"

he didn't say anything, he smirked then was immediately slammed on the ground. niko was now on top of him punching him in the face.

then it finally hit me, that this is all my fault.

when i bumped into grayson and we dropped our books, he must've dropped that drawing and i accidentally took it and when i went to out my books away later on it fell out and i thought it was from my locker and i slipped it in codi's locker thinking it was for her.

i tried to step in and stop the fight i caused but before i could say anything, the principal pushed through the crowd of students and grabbed both of the bloody boys by the pack of their shirts. he shoved them in the direction of his office and said: "everyone get to your classes now!" then the bell rang.


"dad, dinner is ready!" i shouted from the living room. i took the two plates of spaghetti that i made for us and set them on the dinning room table. i went back to the kitchen and grabbed a beer for my dad and a can of coke for me. i opened the beer with my teeth and set it down next to my dad's plate of food.

i sat on the two seater and began flipping through the channels. once i heard my fathers heavy footsteps coming down the stairs i stopped looking for something else for us to watch and i just settled on what was on before, ghost adventures.

"i was watching the news and-" my dad spoke from the bottom of the stairs then finished his sentence when he sat down in his one seater and got comfortable. "-and they said the storm is really big and there almost 100 percent sure of power outages so we should stock up on flashlights and things like that. have you got any money left over?"

"uh, i got 10 dollars...i think"

he stood silent for a few seconds and shook his head. "that's fine. can i have it? i need it for thursday." he told me and began to twirl his fork in the now cold spaghetti.

"sure, here." i took the ten dollar note out of my pocket and put it on the table in front of him.

"your getting flashlights for the storm yeah?"

he chuckled and shook his head. "no, i have to work on thursday, i need it for a case of beer for my buddies. that's another thing i wanted to talk to you about...since i'm gonna be gone for thursday night and i know how you feel about huge storms like this...i figured maybe you can stay the night with someone, or maybe have someone over?"

i stood silent in shock for a few minutes...i can't believe this. i don't even know what to say....

"yeah dad, that's no problem. ill call someone over" i said and gave him a fake smile. "you want some more spaghetti?"


after dinner and half an episode of ghost adventures later. i cleaned up a little bit and watch the dirty dishes and pots. after that i made myself some tea and went upstairs to my room to do my homework.

"goodnight dad" i said as i walked past my fathers bedroom door.

"night lila"

i walked into my room and shut the door behind me with my foot since my hands were full. i set my tea down on my nightstand and threw my backpack on my bed. i decided to shower and get changed into my pyjamas first...but before i began to get undressed, i heard some rustling and movement noises coming from the woods that's right behind my house.

i peeped my head outside my bathroom window and squinted my eyes so i can see better in the darkness.

i heard a few more rustles then saw a boys figure. i didn't see who it was until he walked onto the pavement and the lights from the lampposts lit up his features.

it was grayson.

he looks a little roughed up, like his hoodie is crooked and his hair looks messy and not nice and up like it usually is. he also has a huge smirk on his lips.

what did he just do in those woods?

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