Chapter Three

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Chapter Three | Corrupt

It couldn't possibly be closed, could it? She had only lost her job the other day. There must be a very important reason why Coral's One Stop Shop was, in fact, closed.

Harriet walked closer to the shop, spotting a piece of paper stuck to the wood. All it said was, 'This shop has been closed for good.' But Harriet couldn't take it in, she wouldn't. Was this why Coral had made her redundant? But why her firstly out of all people? Coral had made her feel stupid, not needed nor wanted.

All of a sudden somebody tapped her shoulder. "It's gone," The person moped, looking down at the concrete floor.

Harriet turned around to see Naomi. Naomi was on her way to an interview at TopShop; something she promised the staff at Coral's One Stop Shop she wouldn't do. "I know," Harriet said, letting the rain soak her.

Naomi shook her head, upset that what she worked so hard at was gone. It was as if it was never there. "It's never going to come back, you know?" Naomi's mint green blouse swung in the wind and rain. She looked up at the shelter in front of Coral's Coffee Shop and sighed. She walked underneath it and sat down against the wood.

Harriet nodded, her bottom lip trembling as she sat down next to Naomi. "I know," She replied, the same reply as two minutes ago but still a reply. Harriet pulled back her hair and sighed. She watched as people walked to school, they luckily didn't notice her. "Why aren't you walking to school?" Harriet raised an eyebrow.

Naomi chuckled quietly, looking up at the coffee shop sign. "I'm older than you," She smiled and watched the rain hit the ground.

Suddenly, Harriet had a somewhat brainy idea. "I'm going to buy it, I'm going to buy this," She held up her hands in wonder as she watched Naomi laugh and shake her head.

"Have fun with that," Naomi laughed loudly, shaking her head. "You need money to buy a shop."

Harriet didn't care, she groaned and got up. She walked home, and luckily her parents had already left to go to work. Twisting her key in the lock, Harriet walks in.

She takes her shoes off and her coat, making sure to not get the floor soaked. Harriet grabbed a role of lining paper and her mother's laptop. Walking up to her room, she sighed as she put the lining paper and laptop on her desk.

She looked around for a map of her area and soon found one sandwiched between two arguably old books.

What she was about to do next could go right or wrong; there was a bigger chance of it going wrong, though.

Tying her hair back, and flicking a pencil behind her ear, Harriet put Sleeping With Sirens' album 'If you were a movie, this would be your soundtrack' in her old CD player.

"It will be okay," She muttered under her breath. "You can do this." She sat on her desk chair as Sleeping With Sirens' 'With Ears To See And Eyes To Hear' played.

Then the CD player skipped to 'James Dean & Audrey Hepburn' and Harriet slowly spun around in her desk chair, tilting her head backwards and looking up at the ceiling.

She didn't know if her plan would work, it needed to. If she got caught; she would go to some under twenty-one prison or something of the works.

Harriet's always been a goody-two shoes. This is her last resort, though. She's always had the high grades, not had to struggle for them. She's always been so very close to perfect but not quite.

And now, now she will get what she wants if this plan goes right. It needs to or she's stuffed.

[A/N: Short update but I hope you like it! Please comment what you'll think will happen next and if you liked it]

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