Chapter Two

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[A/N: sorry that this is so bad :( please do leave a comment!]

Chapter Two | Corrupt

No matter what Harriet did, she would always get faulted. Not everything was her fault yet she seemed to take the blame. From a dirty mark on a freshly washed white china plate, to a locker ablaze.

And the thing is, no one ever appreciated her acts of pure kindness. The fact she hated seeing people get in trouble says quite a lot. They could set the whole school on fire and she would still turn around and say it was her.

The teachers gathered it was threatens from other students that forced Harriet to take the blame but what they didn't know is that, no one forces her, no one tells her she has to take the blame. No one.

Her mother thought it was to acquire friends and, even if it was, she still didn't make a single friendship.

Harriet was fed up of trying so hard and getting nowhere. How could she make everyone stop hating her? The answer was simple; she couldn't.

She had tried everything; dying her hair lilac (it came out grey), giving out free stuff like sweets, listening to popular music without earphones, sitting with the 'popular' girls (they moved tables). What else could she do? She is beyond fed up with having to try so hard and not get any result.

Today is Tuesday and, like yesterday, is a school day. But, it is only till lunch time, because Tuesdays are half days. Everyone works for the rest of the afternoon. Tuesday use to be Harriet's favourite school day. She detests it even more now that she doesn't have a quiet job at Coral's One Stop Shop.

Everything was so much easier before this 'downfall'. Harriet was fine, she had high grades and a decent waged job. Now she fares with extremely low grades, and no job at all. For now, she has to borrow money from her mother if she ever needs it. Which she hardly ever does because she has no friends or anyone to buy something for.

She needed that job, she really did. It kept her mind off certain things and she got a fair amount of money. It was not like she spent all of the money straight away, only a couple of things here and there.

On her way to school, she could either walk the long way or the way past Coral's One Stop Shop.

Today she had only twenty minutes to walk to school. She had no choice but to walk past the Coffee shop.

As she walked, it started to rain and her backpack was hitting her back in a somewhat violent manner, her pencil cases sharp end marking her back.

When she was just about to walk past Coral's One Stop Shop, she stopped and gasped.

The shop was bordered up, with a 'for sale' sign outside.

[A/N: comment please :-) oh and follow my dad > @darrinadams]

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